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To gain access to the Tavern, go to the Village tab and place the building by selecting any blank space on the Village field. By default, only the Fishing Pond is on the Village screen, and the other buildings must be placed.

By building the Tavern, you will gain access to quests that you can send your pets on, similar to Pet Campaigns. These quests have a variety of rewards including XP, crafting materials, and unique items. Unlike campaigns, pets who are on quests may eat. Quest progress is not reset on rebirth; your pets will remain in quests until completed or cancelled. (The exception to this is GP Reset challenges; starting any of these will cancel all of your active quests.)

Only evolved pets are able to go on quests, and any evolved pet may be sent on any quest. Most quests require one or more pets with a specific class and a minimum class level; failure to send the required pets will result in a failed quest. Some quests have a bonus condition for you to fulfill, which can offer you additional rewards if you bring along the right pet(s) to meet that requirement. Pets cannot double-count as both a required condition and a bonus condition, but they can double-count if there are two required conditions that one pet will meet. All quests give you Quest Points (QP), which are used to gain access to better quests.

There are 9 different ranks of quests, ranging from F-SSS, that are unlocked by both upgrading your tavern using crafting materials and having the necessary amount of Quest Points on hand. The QP are not expended when you upgrade your tavern. For example, to gain access to rank S quests, you need both a level 7 or higher tavern and at least 24,300 QP. The total cost to upgrade the tavern and the QP benchmarks can be found below.

Tavern Keeper

You may assign one of your pets as the Tavern Keeper. Doing so increases the quest experience rewards for your pets by serving them Ale after they return from a quest.

While selecting the Tavern Keeper, you also have a chance to select the number of Ales the Keeper will serve to each pet after each quest. The choices are 1, 10 or 100.

The experience increase is calculated as:

0.001 * KeeperClassLevel * AleModifier

where the AleModifier is 3 if serving 1 Ale, 6 for 10 Ale, or 10 for 100 Ale. As an example, if a level 56 Tavern Keeper is serving 10 Ale per pet, the experience increase will be:

0.001 * 56 * 6 = 0.336

or in other words, a 33.6% increase.

Tavern Upgrade Cost Table

The tavern has 10 levels, each one unlocking higher rank quests and removing lower rank quests from your available quest pool.

Upgrade level Iron Ore Wood Torch Mighty Food Ale Rank
1 1000 2000 100 1000 100 F
2 3000 6000 300 3000 300 F and E
3 12,000 24,000 1200 12,000 1200 F, E, and D
4 27,000 54,000 2700 27,000 2700 E, D, and C
5 48,000 96,000 4800 48,000 4800 D, C, and B
6 75,000 150,000 7500 75,000 7500 C, B, and A
7 108,000 216,000 10,800 108,000 10,800 B, A, and S
8 147,000 294,000 14,700 147,000 14,700 A, S, and SS
9 192,000 384,000 19,200 192,000 19,200 S, SS, and SSS
10 243,000 486,000 24,300 243,000 24,300 SS and SSS
Total Cost 856,000 1,712,000 85,600 856,000 85,600 NA
Rank Quest Points
F 0
E 100
D 300
C 900
B 2,700
A 8,100
S 24,300
SS 72,900
SSS 218,700

Obtaining Quests

The list of available quests is posted in the Tavern. This list is regenerated when you claim your free daily Lucky Draw, by selecting randomly from all quests which are not currently in progress, and whose rank is within the allowed range for the Tavern's level, and does not exceed your Tavern's quest rank. For instance, a level 4 Tavern allows quests of rank E, D or C. However, if your Tavern's quest rank is only D, then you would only get rank E or D quests.

The Eggs quest is always chosen, unless it's in progress at the time the LD is claimed, and is returned to the list of available quests whenever it's finished or cancelled. Other quests are removed from the list when finished, or returned to the list when cancelled. Before claiming your LD, it's generally a good idea to ensure that your highly desirable quests have been finished (so you have a chance of getting them again), and that as many "filler" quests as possible are in progress, and one of those fillers should be Eggs. You may cancel the filler quests immediately after claiming the LD, to return them to the list and free up the quest slots.

By default, the Tavern posts 5 quests per day, but this number may be increased by purchasing Tavern daily quests with Pet Stones (up to 5 more, for a total of 10 quests per day), and then with Challenge Points (up to 5 more, for a total of 15). Note that the total number of quests in the list may exceed your daily maximum if quests are in progress when the Lucky Draw is claimed, and subsequently cancelled.

Also by default, your pets are allowed to go on one quest at a time, but this number may be increased by purchasing quest slots, once again with Pet Stones (1 more), and then with ChP (1 more, for a total of 3 quest slots).

Finally, you may purchase quest queue slots with Pet Stones. Up to 3 queue slots may be purchased. These slots allow you to assign pets to a "waiting list" for a quest, when your maximum number of concurrent quests is already reached. This allows a bit more offline quest progress. Pets in a queue slot will begin their quest whenever another quest is finished, even if you haven't claimed the rewards yet. Pets in a queue slot act just like pets on an actual quest; they may eat, but they'll remain in the queue slot even across a rebirth, until their quest is finished or cancelled.


Quests give the following rewards:

  • Class experience (eligible for ale multiplier and bonus multiplier); posted value includes Dojo multiplier
  • Quest points (eligible for bonus)
  • God Power (eligible for bonus)
  • Special reward (see below)

There are 4 main types of quests: Eggs Quest, Class Quests, Regular Quests, and Unique Quests.

The Eggs Quest is always available, and returns to the quest list when completed. It can be run for any length of time (up to 1000 hours), and gives rewards proportional to the number of whole hours spent. Its reward is lower than that of other quests, but it's good for going AFK.

Class Quests are 12 hours long and give large amounts of Class XP. There is one for each pet evolution class (Mage, Adventurer, etc.), and each one requires at least one pet of the quest's class. Their special reward is additional Class XP for pets matching the quest's class. The rewards of these quests scale with your Quest Rank, and at higher Quest Ranks they can supply more XP than campaigns or crafting, especially for pets with lower growth.

Eggs and Class Quests are always available in the daily quest pool regardless of your Quest Rank. They do not give God Power rewards.

Regular Quests have specific Quest Ranks, and are only available in the quest pool when your Tavern level allows the appropriate Quest Rank to be chosen. They have varying time lengths, and most give a special reward like crafting materials or pet growth along with God Power. They also supply Class XP, but not as much as the Class Quests. These are the most important to run as they can eventually be a major source of tier 4 crafting materials and bars.

Unique Quests have unique rewards (duh) that require several completions of the quest to unlock. Bean Stalk, for example, must be done once for each quest rank to get the final reward. Many Problems must be done 99 times to fully complete. Unique Quests appear in green text in the quest list for easy identification. When a Unique Quest has been fully completed, it will no longer appear in the quest pool.

The Min/Max column for special rewards is calculated using the formula below the table. Min assumes you are bringing only the minimum required pets with no Bonus condition met. Max assumes you are bringing a full team of 6 pets with Bonus condition met.

Quest Rank Duration (Hours) Req. Pets Req. Class (CL) Bonus Class/Pet (CL) Quest Points Exp Reward GP Reward Special Reward Min/Max


Bean Stalk F-SSS* 6 Blacksmith: 1 6 3000 6 Unique Axe WonderAxe
Eggs F-SSS* 24 Adventurer: 1+rank^2

(F-SSS = 0-8)

1/h 500/h
Many Problems F-SSS* 10 Random: 1-99 10 5000 Unique Armor after 99 EnlightmentVest
Smithing Work F-SSS* 12 Blacksmith: 1 Blacksmith: 1 12 6000 Blacksmith Exp
Potion Brewing F-SSS* 12 Alchemist: 1 Alchemist: 1 12 6000 Alchemist Exp
Mountain Climbing F-SSS* 12 Adventurer: 1 Adventurer: 1 12 6000 Adventurer Exp
Defend The Village F-SSS* 12 Defender: 1 Defender: 1 12 6000 Defender Exp
Heal A Lot F-SSS* 12 Supporter: 1 Supporter: 1 12 6000 Supporter Exp
Lock Picking F-SSS* 12 Rogue: 1 Rogue: 1 12 6000 Rogue Exp
Ant Queen F-SSS* 12 Assassin: 1 Assassin: 1 12 6000 Assassin Exp
Magic Talk F-SSS* 12 Mage: 1 Mage: 1 12 6000 Mage Exp
Chocolate F 1 Alchemist: 5 Pumpkin: 1 1 1000 2 1000
Fried Chicken F 4 Rogue: 1
Assassin: 1
Alchemist: 1
4 4000 8 1000
Basic Tools F 6 Blacksmith: 1 Fire Pet: 1
Water Pet: 1
6 3000 6 Random T1 Mats 504/1505 500
Rat Problem F 2 Cat 2 2000 4 1000
Witch Revenge F 3 Adventurer: 1 Water Pet: 1 3 1500 3 Random T2 Mats 38/113 500
Quagmire F 2 Slime 2 1000 2 Nevermelting Ice 25/63 500
Bequito F 8 Bee Assassin: 1
Alchemist: 1
8 6000 10 750
Save Mouse E 5 Assassin: 5 Defender: 5 10 5000 8 Random T2 Mats 83/248 1000
Merchant E 1 Adventurer: 8 2 1000 3 Chocolate 2/6 1000
Cute Pets E 3 Chocobear: 1 6 3000 5 Special Wood 50/149 1000
Water Droplets E 4 Adventurer: 10 8 4000 5 Nevermelting Ice 67/166 1000
Find Flies E 3 Rogue: 10 Adventurer: 10 6 3000 5 Bound Feather 50/149 1000
Stop Watch E 4 Adventurer: 10 Adventurer: 10 8 4000 7 Pet Stones 67/199 1000
Thief E 8 Rogue: 10 Defender: 10 16 8000 7 Div 10 Hour 1000
Fix Horseshoe E 2 Blacksmith: 8 4 2000 7 Random T2 Mats 33/83 1000
Ale D 4 Alchemist: 15 Golden Dragon: 15 12 6000 12 Random T2 Mats 88/262 1500
Monument Defender D 8 Defender: 10 Assassin: 15 24 12000 24 Random T3 Mats 59/175 1500
Locked Chest D 2 Rogue: 10
Mage: 10
Alchemist: 15 6 3000 5 Random T1 Mats 351/874 1500
Milking D 2 Adventurer: 10 Alchemist: 15 6 3000 7 Growth 35/105 per pet (total growth pre PGC bonus) 1500
Burger Heal D 6 Supporter: 15 Alchemist: 15 18 9000 18 Pet Stones 132/393 1500
Wolf Medicine D 6 Alchemist:15
Mage: 10 18 9000 18 Fire Stone 158/393 1500
Dirt D 4 Adventurer: 10 Rogue: 15 12 6000 12 Special Wood 88/262 1500
Exotic Tea C 6 Alchemist: 15 Adventurer: 17 24 12000 15 Magic Fire Stone 58/173 2000
Craft Weapon C 8 Blacksmith: 18 32 16000 20 Div 10 Hour 2000
Magic Tower C 8 Defender: 20 Rogue: 15 32 16000 20 Random T2 Mats 232/692 2000
Sad Clones C 5 Supporter: 15 Supporter: 20 20 10000 12 Pet Stones 145/433 2000
Repair Shrine C 12 Blacksmith: 20 Mage: 20 48 24000 30 2 Lucky Draws 2000
Mead C 4 Assassin: 20 Mage: 20 16 8000 10 Elixir 15/46 2000
Shopping C 4 Stale Tortilla
8 4000 7 Random T1 Mats 1335/1923 2000
Haposti B-SSS* 12 Owl Adventurer: 1
Alchemist: 1
Blacksmith: 1
12 6000 Unique Weapon (Haposti)
Assassination B 8 Assassin: 25
Assassin: 25
Rogue: 20 40 32000 32 Bound Feathers 367/914 4000
Trapped Fairies B 10 Defender: 25 Defender: 25
Supporter: 20
50 40000 40 Godly Liquid 13/38 4000
Curse B 3 Alchemist: 25
Alchemist: 25
Supporter: 15 15 12000 12 Random T3 Mats 46/114 4000
Lottery B 5 Blacksmith: 25
Alchemist: 25
25 20000 20 3 Lucky Draws 4000
Zoo B 8 Elephant: 1
Raiju: 1
Wolf: 1
Nightmare: 1
Whale: 1
Dragon: 1
40 32000 32 Growth 245/731 per pet (total growth pre PGC bonus) 4000
Philosophers Stone B 6 Alchemist: 25 Mage: 20 30 24000 24 Mighty Food 383/1142 4000
Firewood B 6 Defender: 25
Blacksmith: 25
30 24000 24 Special Wood 275/571 4000
Black Hole Removement A 8 Mage: 30
Mage: 30
Supporter: 30 48 64000 64 Titanium Bar 5/16 8000
Wyvern Hunt A 8 Adventurer: 30
Adventurer: 30
Assassin: 30 48 64000 64 Hurricane Bar 5/16 8000
Earthquake A 8 Blacksmith: 30
Blacksmith: 30
Supporter:30 48 64000 64 Forest Bar 5/16 8000
Hide And Seek A 4 Ghost
24 32000 32 Mythril 4/7 8000
Rumor A 8 Rogue: 30
Adventurer: 30
Adventurer: 30 48 64000 64 Inferno Bar 5/16 8000
Slimewave A 8 Mage: 30
Assassin: 30
Mage: 30 48 64000 64 Tsunami Bar 5/16 8000
Archdemons Raid S 6 Assassin: 45 Assassin: 50 42 90000 75 Mythril 5/16 15000
Atlantis S 6 Blacksmith: 45 Blacksmith: 50 42 90000 75 Ocean Stone 5/16 15000
Black Holes S 6 BH-chan Mage: 40 Supporter: 30 42 90000 75 Random T4 Mats 5/16 15000
Floating City S 6 Adventurer: 45 Adventurer: 50 42 90000 75 Sky Stone 5/16 15000
Forgotten Temple S 6 Rogue: 45 Rogue: 50 42 90000 75 Jungle Stone 5/16 15000
Meteor S 6 Mage: 45 Mage: 50 42 90000 75 Sun Stone 5/16 15000
Powerful Beings S 8 Mage: 30 Adventurer: 40 84 120000 100 Random T3 Mats 178/531 15000
Vesuvius Eruption S 12 Blacksmith: 40
Alchemist: 40
Blacksmith: 40
Alchemist: 40
84 180000 150 Random T2 Mats 960/2388 15000
Mage Training SS 8 Mage: 50 64 160000 100 Growth 563/1401 per pet (total growth pre PGC bonus) 20000
Aberrant Beings SS 12 Mage: 50
Assassin: 55
Assassin: 55
Supporter: 45
Assassin: 55 96 240000 150 Nothing 37/63 20000
Zeus SS 12 Alchemist: 50 Mage: 45 96 160000 150 Angel Wing 4/13 20000
Slime Infestation SS 12 Assassin: 55 Supporter: 45 96 160000 150 Dark Matter 4/13 20000
Hidden Valley SS 6 Adventurer: 45 Mage: 40

Defender: 35

48 160000 75 Random T2 Mats 370/1106 20000
New Materials SS 6 Supporter: 50 Assassin: 45

Blacksmith: 40

48 160000 75 Random T3 Mats 123/368 20000
Baal's Joke SS 8 Rogue: 60 Adventurer: 55

Alchemist: 50

64 160000 100 Random T4 Mats 7/20 20000
Beach Walking SS 12 Defender: 55 Mage: 50

Supporter: 45

96 160000 150 Random Bar 10/30 20000
Elemental Summon SSS 24 Undine
Rogue: 60
Defender: 60
Supporter: 60
Mage: 60
Assassin: 60
240 720000 360 Unlocks the Elemental 30000
Wizard In Love SSS 12 Wizard Mage: 50
Mage: 60
Witch 120 360000 180 Random T4 Mats 16/39 30000
Creature In Other Universe SSS 8 Assassin: 75 Supporter: 80 80 240000 120 Random T4 Mats 8/22 30000
Dragon Attack SSS 8 Defender: 66
Supporter: 66
Assassin: 70
Mage: 70
80 240000 120 Random T3 Bars 8/22 30000
Water In Hell SSS 12 Fire Pet: 60
Fire Pet: 55
Wind Pet: 75 120 360000 180 Dark Matter 7/14 30000
Hot Sun SSS 12 Water Pet: 60
Water Pet: 55
Earth Pet: 75 120 360000 180 Angel Wing 7/14 30000
Cold Sun SSS 12 Wind Pet: 60
Earth Pet: 55
Neutral Pet: 60 120 360000 180 Random T3 Bars 16/39 30000

*Note: All those labeled F-SSS, B-SSS etc, will change their quest rank depending on what your current Quest Rank is and also have scaling rewards dependent on the rank the quest is when you do it.

*Unique/special rewards only awarded at SSS (Tavern Level 9+).

Quest special rewards scale based on the number of pets you bring, capped at 6 pets (except for Divinity and Lucky Draws). The GP, XP, and QP rewards remain the same, only special rewards are affected by this. You can find the formulas for these rewards below.

The following table shows the base values for each reward type excluding Lucky Draws which are used in the formulas below the table:

Reward Item Base Value
T1 Mats 100
T2 Mats 15
T3 Mats 5
T4 Mats/Bars 0.2
Dark / Angel 0.06
Pet Stones 15
Elixir 2
Godly Liquid 0.5
Mighty Food 25
Chocolate 2
Growth 4
Nothing 0.3

The following formulas can be used to find the reward amount you will receive for quests. NOTE: For calculating rewards from SS and SSS quests, there is a 30% reduction to the rewards for all mats and bars EXCEPT Dark Matter and Angel Wings. The rewards are still better than S-rank, this has been included to help balance the rewards.

First, you need to find the pet multi using:

1.2^Pets(up to 6) * 0.7

Second, you find the rank multi using:

1.32^Rank(F = 0, E = 1, D = 2, C = 3, B = 4, A = 5, S = 6, SS = 7, SSS = 8)

Then you can use both of these multi's to find the reward amount:

Item(value from table above) * Hours(quest) * Rank Multi * Pet Multi * Bonus(if applicable)

The bonus is always 20% and only applies if you meet the bonus conditions for a quest.

A few examples below:

Witch Revenge (F rank) is a 3 hour quest and rewards T2 mats which has a value of 15:

Using only 1 pet, you would first find your pet multi using 1.2^1 * 0.7 = 0.84 and then your rank multi, 1.32^0 = 1 which are both used in the reward formula, 15 * 3 * 1 * 0.84 = 37.8 which rounds up to 38 T2 mats as a reward. If you also met the bonus condition then this would become 37.8 * 1.2 = 45.36 which rounds down to 45 T2 mats.

Using 6 pets the pet multi formula becomes 1.2^6 * 0.7 = 2.09 which you use in the reward formula 15 * 3 * 1 * 2.09 = 94.05 rounded down to 94 T2 mats. With the bonus condition met it becomes 94.05 * 1.2 = 112.86 rounded up to 113 T2 Mats.

Philosophers Stone (B rank) is a 6 hour quest and rewards Mighty Food which has a value of 25:

Using 1 pet, 1.2^1 * 0.7 = 0.84 and being B rank 1.32^4 the reward formula becomes 25 * 6 * 1.32^4 * 0.84 = 382.53 rounded to 383 Mighty Food. With bonus condition met 382.53 * 1.2 = 459.04 rounded to 459 Mighty Food.

Using 6 pets, 1.2^6 * 0.7 = 2.09 in the reward formula 25 * 6 * 1.32^4 * 2.09 = 951.77 rounded to 952 Mighty Food. With bonus condition met, 951.77 * 1.2 = 1,142.12 rounded to 1,142 Mighty Food.

Powerful Beings (S rank) is a 12 hour quest and rewards T3 mats which has a value of 5:

Using 1 pet 1.2^1 * 0.7 = 0.84 and being S rank 1.32^6 the reward formula becomes 5 * 12 * 1.32^6 * 0.84 = 266.61 rounded to 267 T3 mats. With bonus condition met, 266.61 * 1.2 = 319.93 rounded to 320 T3 mats.

Using 6 pets 1.2^6 * 0.7 = 2.09 in the reward formula 5 * 12 * 1.32^6 * 2.09 = 663.348 rounded to 663 T3 mats. With bonus condition met 663.348 * 1.2 = 796.02 rounded to 796 T3 mats.

Special pets

Pets that have bonus to Tavern:

  • Holy ITRTG Book and Anything - Token Upgrade - With a pet token upgrade, it will always count as one of the required pets when doing Tavern quests, and increase the CL experience of Tavern quests in which it participates by +0.15% * class level
  • Pack Mule - Increases rewards from tavern quests it participates in by 5% + (0.2% x CL), Can participate in quests before evolving.

Pets with rewards from Tavern:

  • Elemental is unlocked with a special rank SSS quest
  • Owl has a special equipment Haposti unlocked via special quest rank B-SSS

Unique interactions

  • Gray - cant do quests, can only be Tavern Keeper