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Chocobear evo.png

A small bear made out of chocolate infused with a soul.

Name Name Evolved Name Total Growth
Chocobear Chocobear 7083
Campaign Bonus Special Ability
Increases its boost to all campaigns by 50% if you feed it chocolate or do food campaigns with it.

+33% in growth campaigns +33% in item campaigns +100% in food campaigns

(Token Improved) Increases its boost to all campaigns by 75% if you feed it chocolate or do food campaigns with it. +50% in growth campaigns +50% in item campaigns +100% in food campaigns

Increases the bonus for all campaigns by an extra 0.56% * class level if your class is an adventurer
Unlock Criteria Evolution Requirements
Use a Pet Token Total Growth 6000
Material 300 Special Wood
Other Save up campaign bonus for the next 200 hours of campaigns. The 200 hours are consumed on evolving.

Special Ability

Chocobear will gain a 50% boost to all campaigns if you feed it chocolate or do a food campaign with it. The boost is stored as hours, and you gain 3 hours per chocolate fed and 1 hour per 1 hour in food campaigns. Chocobear will not use its stored bonus hours if it is in food campaign, or the target in a growth campaign. You need to store at least 200 hours to evolve Chocobear and they are consumed on evolving. You can see your current banked bonus hours in Chocobear's tooltip.

Token Upgrade

You can use a pet token to increases its boost to all campaigns to 75% (up from 50%) if you feed it chocolate or do food campaigns with it. Additionally, its Item Camp and Growth Camp bonuses are increased to 50% each (up from 33% each)