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Importance of Dungeon Gear

Dungeon Gear is one of the primary ways to increase your pets' strength and is necessary for meaningful progression in depth 2 and beyond. Dungeon gear increases/reduces the element levels of pets (additively), and the combat stats of pets (multiplicatively). Since the combat stats are generally more important than the element levels, and because all dungeon gear uses multipliers for combat stats, it's important to remember that gear alone does relatively little. Levels are still required to make gear useful. With both good gear and high levels, you should be able to beat most dungeon related content.

Dungeons Guide

Beginners may wish to start with the Introduction to Dungeons.

There is a complete guide to dungeons by Malfat which can be extremely helpful for new players especially or anyone looking to better understand an aspect of dungeons in general.

Equipment Goals

There are several reasons why you want to create and wear better equipment for your pets:

  • To survive and prosper in the dungeons.
  • To improve Crafting outcomes (speed and/or quality).
  • To improve the results of Pet Campaigns.
  • To boost a new pet's dungeon level in preparation for joining a dungeon team.
  • To boost a pet's class level for the RTI(∞) Tab.
  • To boost your God's stats.

For the purposes of this section, we will focus primarily on the first goal: survival and success in the dungeons. This is the most complicated of the goals listed above, because of the wide variety of pets, classes, and dungeons. Here, we will only be able to provide a general overview. You'll have to make your choices based on your unique situation.

Depth 1

At depth 1, each dungeon has monsters that share a single element. For example, the Volcano has only fire monsters. This greatly simplifies gear choices.

At this point, equipment should be chosen based on the pet's class, element, and role within the team. Let's look at an example Volcano depth 1 team:

Earth Defender
Fire Rogue
Fire Blacksmith
Water Support
Earth Mage
Fire Unevolved

This is just one of many possible teams that an early-game player might use for the Volcano dungeon. These pets are some of the easiest to acquire and to evolve, and they're reasonably well suited to this particular dungeon. Rabbit is the least suitable choice here, but there aren't any other Mages available until Dragon, so it'll fill in where needed. An Assassin could be used instead of the Rabbit, but let's stick with just one example for now.

The monsters in the Volcano (depth 1) are all fire-aligned, which means they have a strong (relatively speaking) fire element level, and a negative water element level, because fire is weak against water. This in turn means that when the monsters attack your pets, they will do so using fire. When your pets attack them, each pet will use its own element.

How does that guide our equipment selection? Look at each pet's role in the party.

The Defender stands in the front row, and gets attacked the most. We want the Defender to have high HP and Defense scores. Also, because the Defender is always being attacked by fire, we want it to have a decent fire element level. So, we choose equipment that will help with any or all of these things. Neutral (metallic) gear boosts HP and Defense, and gives a small bonus to all element levels, at the cost of speed. This makes neutral equipment a good choice for any Defender. We could also give our Armadillo fire equipment, to boost its fire level, which will also help it take hits from the fire monsters. We could also give it earth equipment, which has decent HP and Defense scores (much like neutral). Earth gear isn't the best choice for the Volcano dungeon, but it'll do well enough, if it's what you have available.

The Rogue serves a mixture of roles. Its primary duty is simply to be in the party to boost drop rates, so we just need it to stay alive. However, since the Squirrel happens to be fire-aligned, we've put it in the front row of this team. As a front-row combatant, we want it to have decent survivability (HP and Defense and fire element level), but it also has a chance to deal some damage. Rogues are not the heaviest hitters in the game, but they can do all right, especially with high speed. Since our Rogue is multitasking, we need to consider its gear carefully. Ideally we want it to use a knife as a weapon. Knives give a speed boost, and they whittle down the enemy's defense, so that it takes more damage from future hits. However, knives are wind-aligned, which means they give a penalty to the fire element level -- not ideal! If we give the Squirrel a knife, we'll want to be sure to give it fire equipment in the other two slots. Fire gloves are particularly nice, because they also give a speed bonus. Fire armor doesn't boost speed, but we may still choose it to offset the fire penalty we took from the knife. Or, if we don't go with a knife, we might choose a fire sword to boost attack and the fire element level. You might need to experiment a bit to find the best balance. Avoid neutral gear due to its speed penalty.

The Blacksmith is in the party primarily to satisfy the depth 1 event which gives bonus XP and damage. It's not critically important, but it certainly doesn't hurt. We also want 3 fire-aligned pets to satisfy the other event, and at this stage of the game, Bug can serve double duty this way. The Bug's fire alignment and the Blacksmith's solid defensive stats mean it can serve on the front row. We don't need it to deal a lot of damage (we have the Mage and the Rogue for that). It's basically acting as a secondary Defender, just without the special abilities. As such, we can give the Bug fire equipment or neutral equipment. Either one will do just fine.

The Supporter has a unique duty: to cast healing spells on everyone else, as often as needed. Supporters can be in either the front or back row (healing works fine from either one). If we were using a fire-aligned Supporter, we might consider putting it in the front. However, we've already got 3 solid front-row pets for this team, so we'll put Frog in the back. Supporters rely primarily on speed, to cast their healing spells multiple times per round. So, we could give the Frog some wind equipment, to boost its speed. The trouble with this is that wind equipment also gives a fire element penalty. So, if we use a piece of wind gear (say, wind armor), we might need to use fire equipment in the other two slots to compensate for the penalty. Fire gloves are a great choice, because they have a speed bonus. We can use a fire sword as well, just for the elemental bonus. A Supporter will also attack, whenever it doesn't see any pets that need healing, so we could give it water equipment as well. Water is the ideal element for an attacker in the Volcano, but in this particular team, we're not optimizing for damage. We're just using what we have.

The Mage always sits in the back row, because it has poor HP and defense stats, and because its attack spells don't suffer the back-row penalty. We want the Mage to have high attack and speed if possible, because it's the primary damage source in this team. As an earth-aligned pet, we also want to give it an earth element bonus, which will increase its damage even more. Finally, we need it to stay alive, if at all possible, because dead Mages don't cast any spells. Unfortunately it's not possible to meet all of those goals simultaneously, so we need to find a compromise that we can accept. A combination of earth and fire gear is probably our best option here -- earth gear for the earth element bonus, and for HP and defense, and fire gear for the attack bonus and a bit of fire element level, to help take a hit. Play around with your equipment and see what works best. Neutral gear is also viable if you really need its protection, but isn't the best choice for a Mage at depth 1 -- you're better off defending against the single element you know the monsters will be using.

That leaves our unevolved Camel in the back row. It's there because we needed a third fire-aligned pet for the depth 1 events, and Camel is one of the early fire wildcards. We could even put it in the front row and let it soak up hits, but the Blacksmith can do that. On the other hand, if the Camel is a lot higher level than the Bug, we might switch their positions. Since Camel is just hanging out and has no particular role to play, we can just give it straight fire equipment.

Attack vs Element in term of damage increase

If you look at the damage formula and how much different equipment increases the parameters, at first it may seem that increasing the element gives more damage than increasing the attack parameter. But this is not so, for two reasons. First, the equipment element stacks with the pet's element, while the attack parameter multiplies the pet's attack. This means that the higher the pet's DL, the less the equipment's elemental bonus will affect the damage increase, if calculated as a percentage. While the percentage increase in damage from increased attack remains unchanged. Secondly, the element of the enemy is a divisor in the formula, which means that the higher it is, the less the increase in damage from the higher element of the attacker. Against vulnerable enemies, and also at low DL, the element will deal more damage than Attack, but against enemies with the same element, and also at high DL, Attack will deal more damage than the element.


The Scrapyard dungeon is filled with neutral enemies (exclusively so at depth 1), which presents a different challenge compared to the other dungeons. Neutral enemies attack you using whichever element will hurt you the most. They also don't have an elemental weakness that your attacking pets can exploit. So, the normal depth 1 strategy of having each pet ignore 2 or 3 elements may no longer work.

The good news is that it doesn't really matter which element your pets are. A Scrapyard team can focus exclusively on classes and levels, and therefore tends to be composed of the "leftover" pets that weren't selected for other teams.

Equipment choices for the Scrapyard should focus more on avoiding weaknesses (especially the typical highly negative element level in the pet's weak element), rather than piling bonuses into one element. Neutral gear becomes extremely useful here, as well as neutral gems.

Neutral pets will do well here, as they have no elemental weakness. For non-attacking pets, keeping the element levels balanced works quite well. For attackers, you may wish to choose one element to boost (often fire, but any element will do), but avoid creating a weakness in the process. E.g. piling on three fire equipment pieces would create a water element weakness, unless the equipment is highly enchanted.

As always, use your best judgment and review the combat logs periodically (or if pets are dying) to see which pets may be struggling and need adjustments.

Depth 2

At depth 2, the monsters become considerably stronger, and each dungeon adds one monster of a different element. For example, in the Mountain dungeon, one earth monster is added to the mix. This means that focusing each pet on a single element may be risky.

Let's look at an example depth 2 Mountain party. The depth 2 events call for 2 Defenders and 1 Rogue. The depth 1 events are satisfied by 2 wind pets, and 1 Blacksmith. We're going to skip the Blacksmith, because it's inconvenient, and we don't really need that event's reward (and it only has a 5% chance of triggering in the first 6 rooms of each dive anyway).

Wind Defender
Neutral Defender
Wind Supporter
Fire Mage
Earth Rogue
Fire Assassin

Mountain is a wind dungeon with one added earth monster. The wind monsters are weak against fire, and the earth monster is weak against wind. Therefore, a combination of wind and fire pets should work well.

This team has 4 core pets that are well suited to the Mountain specifically -- Valkyrie, Dog, Fairy and Dragon. It has 2 wildcard pets which are filling in secondary roles. Your own wildcard pets may be different, and this is not to say that you should follow this example. You might have Rudolph as a wind Rogue, for example, which would be better suited than Mole. This is simply one example, containing pets that are likely to be available for a player in the early depth 2 stage. It also demonstrates how we might plan around a pet whose element is "wrong" for a given dungeon.

The first thing we'll note is that this team has two Defenders, as required for the depth 2 event. This means the other pets are much less likely to be targeted, compared to a typical team with one, or even zero, Defenders. Mole is weak against most of the monsters in this dungeon, but we've placed it in the back row, behind two Defenders, which should help. Also, it's a Rogue, which means we want to give it a knife -- which is wind equipment. If we give it even more wind equipment, it'll be quite well protected against the monsters at this depth, and the wind gear provides a lovely speed bonus.

The Dragon is an extremely strong Mage in this dungeon. We can give it fire equipment, which increases attack and confers a water elemental weakness that we can ignore. We'll most likely want to start it out with water gems that boost HP, or neutral gems that boost elemental levels. Later, if all goes well, we might be able to switch to some fire gems for extra attack power, or wind gems for speed. If the Dragon is lower level than the rest of the team, then we might use a single piece of neutral equipment to help boost its survivability. Wind gear could be used, but because wind gear reduces fire, that would cut into Dragon's offensive capability. Then again, wind gear also boosts speed, which is nice....

The Mage is going to be the primary damage source for this team (unless it's low level), but we've added a fire Assassin as a backup. There are a couple other fire pets which get an Assassin specialist bonus (Ape and Succubus), but Ape is often used as a growth camp Adventurer, and Succubus may not be available. Thus, the wildcard Camel. Cat could also be used here, or even Egg, although a wind Assassin is not ideal in the Mountain.

The three front-row pets can be given straight wind equipment, or a mixture of neutral and wind in the case of the Defenders. The Fairy Supporter should avoid neutral gear, because we want speedy healing. If the single earth monster is a concern, the Fairy could use HP/defense/elemental gems. But it's more likely we'll just ignore the earth monster, and use wind gems for speed.

That leaves our wildcard Camel Assassin. Depending on its level, we might need to boost its survivability (wind/neutral gear), or we might want to boost its offense (fire gear). If it's high level, we might even want to move it to the front row, swapping with the Fairy, to avoid the 20% back-row damage penalty. Wind gear reduces its fire element level, which hurts its attack power (as with Dragon), so the decision to use wind gear would have to be made with careful deliberation. A mix of fire and neutral equipment may work as a compromise.

As you start getting your pets set up with the proper gear, you should start looking into gems. Gems are obtained from Challenge Dungeons and can be embedded into equipment by Blacksmiths in the Crafting menu. You should start working on gems once you have your Tier 2 gear to around S+10 quality. You do not lose levels on gems through tiering up or upgrading your gear, but will lose a gem level if you remove it from the gear. (This can be avoided with a Challenge Point purchase.

The below flowchart from Derelict Kami can be used as a quick reference to help you decide what gems to use. This is only meant to be used for Depth 2 and Depth 3 dungeons. Many of the lategame dungeon content (Mimics, Infinity Towers, Gram bosses, etc.) change the gem strategy, but this flowchart guide can be a solid start that you can work off of for later content.

Note: Regarding wind gems, the extra action breakpoints are at 500 and 1500 speed. More info on your pet's current action amount can be found in the Speed tooltip on your pet's dungeon stats screen. If you are close to one of these breakpoints a wind gem can be used to push you over that point, making them only situationally useful.


Prepping for D3 and Mimics

Moving into D3 dungeons, elements are more important than ever. As many D3 dungeons have monsters of most elemental types, keeping an eye on your elemental weaknesses is key to survival. As you progress further into D3, about the time you reach the D3-5/6 mark, it would be a good idea to begin fighting the Mimic enemy to farm more XP and Mimic Points for the Treasure/Mimic pet.

To remedy any elemental deficiencies you might have on your pets (any element below 0) you can mix-and-match different elements of equipment, use Neutral equipment, enchant T3 equipment, and/or use Neutral Gems.

Note: It is not worth it to enchant any equipment below T3, since enchant levels are halved when you upgrade a tier.

Equipment Suggestions - D3/Mimics

Below is a list of suggested equipment for your pets in D3 dungeons. This is only a suggestion, curated by several players who are familiar with the current meta. Dungeons can be approached a variety of ways, and each strategy has its own advantage. These notes are not guaranteed and a better strategy is most likely out there. Please take this information with a grain of salt. If you have questions on how to gear your pet, feel free to reach out in the Discord.


Weapon: Knives (very useful for v4 fights).
Armor: Titanium Armor.
Accessory: Titanium Ring (better dungeon stats), Alchemist Cape (good for V4s).
Gems: If you are using the pet for v4 and dungeons, have a mix of HP and Defense. If only dungeons, just use HP. If you happen to still have negative elements, you can swap in a neutral gem until your gear is more enchanted.



All: Ego sword (Mages are often your largest damage dealer, and should be several levels ahead of your other pets. When not using an Ego sword, use the other equipment listed below.)
Fire: Tsunami Spear or Inferno Sword. (Tsunami Spear is useful if you need to raise your Elemental Resistance.)
Earth: Inferno or a Bow. (Forest axes are inferior unless on Rabbit after token improved, but can be used if you have nothing else.)
Water: Tsunami Spear or Inferno Sword. (Either is fine as they are very similar in terms of damage dealt.
Wind: Inferno Sword.

Armor: Match the pets element.

Accessory: Usually Alchemist Cape, or whatever is needed to cover an elemental weakness. Consider a Forest Bracelet or Titanium Ring if you see them dying a lot. Improved Rabbit can use a Forest Bracelet.

Gems: Until later Dungeon Levels, your Mage will need to focus on HP/Neutral Gems usually in 2 HP/1 Neutral, but you can adjust as needed depending on the Mage Element. You can focus on full attack if you want to minmax V4s but your dungeons will suffer from that. A good mix can be using a Fire/Water/Neutral, swapping out the Neutral for another Water or Fire if you do not have any elemental weaknesses.


Weapon: Titanium Sword (Dungeons) or Magic Pot (V4s)
Armor: Titanium (Dungeons) or Forest Armor (God Stats)
Accessory: Titanium (Dungeons) or Forest (God Stats).
Gems: HP (Dungeons) or Defense (V4s). Neutral if using Forest equipment.


Weapon: Similar to Mage except Knives can be useful for extra speed or when you no longer need more healing power to keep pets alive. You can see a supporters healing power by hovering over it in the dungeon team slot (where you put pets into teams).

Armor: You can focus on whichever stats/element you feel you need most. If you are using Knives and Inferno Gloves, having your armor be more HP and Defense oriented can be good for survival.

Accessory: Similar to the armor choice, although Inferno Gloves are a good choice overall as they give speed as well as healing power.

Gems: One of each Attack/HP/Neutral will serve you well unless you want to specialize. The occasional speed gem can also be a good choice but should never replace the Neutral or the HP gem.
Neutral pets can eventually drop the neutral gem if you want, but using it is still fine. You can focus on full attack if you want to minmax V4s but your dungeons will suffer from that.


Weapon: Knives.

Armor/Accessory: Just don't give them anything with negative speed (before being over 1.5k speed even with negative speed gear). Focus on getting all elements above 0 and after that, you can go for survivability and/or god stats.

Gems: Same as armor. Wind gems can be good to break the 1.5k speed for 3 actions, otherwise focus on HP, Neutral, or Attack.

Ghost: Ghost is a special case as their unique scare ability scales entirely with it's attack strength. Therefore it is best to equip an Inferno Sword, Inferno Armor, and Inferno Gloves. The gems should be either Fire for additional Attack, or Water (HP) for survivability.


All: Assassins share the weapon choices of Supporters but make better use of Knives. Similar to Mages, these are usually your biggest damage dealers. Using an Ego sword on them to get a few levels ahead is very useful.
Archer: Bow.
Armor: Gear for defense usually, covering any elemental weakness.
Accessory: Almost always Inferno. For water pets consider a Forest Bracelet if you see them dying a lot.
Gems: Usually it is better to stick with more defensive gems over offensive gems unless you are dying to room collapses or ultimate attacks. Using Fire/Neutral/Water for gems is a good mix of both offensive and defensive.
Neutral pets can focus more on offensive gems since they naturally have better resistances, but you can gem them the same as others if you prefer.

Equipment Crafting

Creating equipment (weapons, armor and accessories) requires a Blacksmith pet. Each Blacksmith may work on one project at a time, and cannot explore dungeons or go on campaigns while working. Rebirthing does not disrupt Blacksmith crafting.

Blacksmiths have four actions: Forge (create a new item), Upgrade (improve an item's "plus" stat), Reforge (improve an item's quality rating), and Gem (attach a gem to an item). Newly Forged tier 1 equipment is +0, but has a randomized quality rating from F (worst) to SSS (best).

Newly made T2 and T3 equipment starts at half the upgrade value, and half the enchantment level, of the lower tier equipment used as an ingredient to craft them, rounded down. Gems, if attached, are kept. Quality levels above the minimum required in the ingredient equipment will be consumed to boost your roll for the quality of the new equipment.

The Blacksmith's class level gives a bonus to crafting speed, and when forging it also gives a bonus to the quality roll, increasing the odds of getting a higher quality equipment piece to begin with. A Blacksmith's element also gives a quality bonus when Forging an item of the matching element, and a speed bonus when working on any project with the matching element.

Tier 1 equipment can be Forged using tier 1 and tier 2 materials that drop from dungeons. Alchemists can also convert 8x tier 1 material into a corresponding tier 2 material.

Tier 2 equipment is forged using whetstones, tier 1 materials, tier 2 materials, and a matching tier 1 equipment to upgrade that is at least B quality and +5.

Tier 3 equipment is forged using sacred stones, tier 2 materials, tier 3 materials, and a matching tier 2 equipment to upgrade that is at least S quality and +10.

The HP, Attack, Defense and Speed values given below are for quality level A. The values will be smaller (closer to 0) for lower quality equipment, and larger (farther from 0) for higher quality.

The chance of forging an equip of Quality Q is:

Tier 4 (and above) has a different formula:

The quality of the Equip being and the potential result both affect the chance:

Quality Modifier
F 0
E 1
D 2
C 3
B 4
A 5
S 6
SS 7

The Tier Bonus is based on the Tier of the Equip being Forged. Tier 1 to 3 is calculated at face value; Tier 4 counts at 6; Tier 5 and above at double face value.

Tier Tier Bonus
T1 1
T2 2
T3 3
T4 6
T5 10
T6 12

BS Multiplier, listed as "Current crafting quality" on the Blacksmith's tooltip, is calculated as:

Special Pet Bonus includes:

  • Robot, if improved and Forging T4
  • Anteater's boost based on Ants
  • Firefox's boost based on Magic Fire Stones
  • Elf's boost based on equipped T3+ gear

E.g. For example, a level 34 Anteater Blacksmith (class bonus 0.7%) with a 35.98% hammer bonus, the 25% pet stone crafting bonus, and 14.2% ant bonus gives:

(1 + 0.02*34) * (1 + 0.007*34) * 1.3598 * 1.25 + 0.142 = 3.6772 which rounds to 368%.

Same-element smithing gives a 10% bonus on top of this (for our example, that would be 404%).

This formula applies to crafting quality and crafting speed, for both Blacksmiths and Alchemists.

The Base Crafting Time is divided by the crafting speed of the crafter to get the time it takes to make a particular piece of equip:

Tier Equip Type Base Time
T1 Basic Armor or Weapon 8 Hours
T1 Special Item (Sticks, etc) 12 Hours
T2 Basic Armor or Weapon 16 Hours
T2 Special Item 24 Hours
T3 Basic Armor or Weapon 24 Hours
T3 Special Item 36 Hours
T4 Basic Armor or Weapon 100 Hours
T4 Special Item 150 Hours

Forge: Armor

Note: the bonuses shown here are for Quality level A, +0. Each Quality level above or below that gives an additive +10% or -10% multiplier. Each Upgrade level gives an additive +5% multiplier. So, for example, a C +8 item would have a Quality multiplier of 0.8 and an Upgrade multiplier of 1.4. An SSS +20 item would have multipliers of 1.3 and 2.0, or an overall multiplier of 2.6.

This applies to weapons and accessories as well.

Item Name Element Tier HP Atk Def Spd Resource Cost Resistances
Iron Vest Neutral.png 1 +15% +0 +10% -5% 10 Iron Ore, 2 Iron Bars
Fire Vest Fire.png 1 +5% +8% +7% +0 10 Hot Stones, 2 Fire Stones +20 Fire, -40 Water
Water Vest Water.png 1 +15% +0 +5% +0 10 Ice Block, 2 Nevermelting Ice +20 Water, -40 Earth
Wooden Vest Earth.png 1 +10% +0 +10% +0 10 Wood, 2 Special Wood +20 Earth, -40 Wind
Feather Vest Wind.png 1 +6% +0 +7% +7% 10 Feather, 2 Bound Feathers +20 Wind, -40 Fire
Steel Armor Neutral.png 2 +25% +0 +15% -10% 20 Iron Ore, 5 Whetstones, 5 Iron Bars, Iron Vest +5 (B)
Flame Armor Fire.png 2 +7% +13% +10% +0 20 Hot Stones, 5 Whetstone, 5 Fire Stones, Fire Vest +5 (B) +40 Fire, -40 Water
Flood Armor Water.png 2 +20% +0 +10% +0 20 Ice Block, 5 Whetstones, 5 Nevermelting Ice, Water Vest +5 (B) +40 Water, -40 Earth
Tree Armor Earth.png 2 +15% +0 +15% +0 20 Wood, 5 Whetstones, 5 Special Wood, Wooden Vest +5 (B) +40 Earth, -40 Wind
Storm Armor Wind.png 2 +8% +0 +11% +11% 20 Feathers, 5 Whetstones, 5 Bound Feathers, Feather Vest +5 (B) +40 Wind, -40 Fire
Titanium Armor Neutral.png 3 +35% +0 +20% -15% 10 Iron Bars, 2 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Ore, Steel Armor +10 (S) +5 All
Inferno Armor Fire.png 3 +10% +15% +15% +0 10 Fire Stone, 2 Sacred Stone, 2 Magic Fire Stones, Flame Armor +10 (S) +60 Fire, -40 Water
Tsunami Armor Water.png 3 +25% +0 +15% +0 10 Nevermelting Ice, 2 Sacred Stone, 2 Magic Ice, Flood Armor +10 (S) +60 Water, -40 Earth
Forest Armor Earth.png 3 +20% +0 +20% +0 10 Special Wood, 2 Sacred Stone, 2 Magic Wood, Tree Armor +10 (S) +60 Earth, -40 Wind
Hurricane Armor Wind.png 3 +10% +0 +15% +15% 10 Bound Feathers, 2 Sacred Stone, 2 Magic Feather, Storm Armor +10 (S) +60 Wind, -40 Fire
Mythril Armor Neutral.png 4 40% 0 35% -5% 10 Titanium Bars, 10 Mythril, 10 Magic Ore, Titanium Armor +20 (SSS) +5 All
Sun Armor Fire.png 4 10% 30% 25% 5% 10 Inferno Bars, 10 Sun Stones, 10 Magic Stones, Inferno Armor +20 (SSS) +90 Fire, -90 Water
Ocean Armor Water.png 4 30% 5% 25% 10% 10 Tsunami Bars, 10 Ocean Stones, 10 Magic Ice, Tsunami Armor +20 (SSS) +90 Water, -90 Earth
Jungle Armor Earth.png 4 30% 5% 35% 0 10 Forest Bars, 10 Jungle Stones, 10 Magic Wood, Forest Armor +20 (SSS) +90 Earth, -90 Wind
Sky Armor Wind.png 4 15% 5% 25% 25% 10 Hurricane Bars, 10 Sky Stones, 10 Magic Feathers, Hurricane Armor +20 (SSS) +90 Wind, -90 Fire

Forge: Weapons

Item Name Element Tier HP Atk Def Spd Resource Cost Resistances
Iron Sword Neutral.png 1 +2% +15% +3% -5% 10 Iron Ore, 2 Iron Bars
Fire Sword Fire.png 1 0 +20% -5% 0 10 Hot Stones, 2 Fire Stones +10 Fire, -30 Water
Water Spear Water.png 1 0 +15% 0 0 10 Ice Blocks, 2 Nevermelting Ice +10 Water, -30 Earth
Wood Axe Earth.png 1 +5% +10% 0 0 10 Wood, 2 Special Wood +10 Earth, -30 Wind
Feather Bow Wind.png 1 0 +11% -3% +7% 10 Feathers, 2 Bound Feathers +10 Wind, -30 Fire
Steel Sword Neutral.png 2 +5% +18% +7% -10% 20 Iron Ore, 5 Whetstones, 5 Iron Bars, Iron Sword +5 (B)
Flame Sword Fire.png 2 0 +30% -10% 0 20 Hot Stones, 5 Whetstones, 5 Fire Stones, Fire Sword +5 (B) +20 Fire, -30 Water
Flood Spear Water.png 2 0 +20% 0 0 20 Ice Blocks, 5 Whetstones, 5 Nevermelting Ice, Water Spear +5 (B) +20 Water, -30 Earth
Tree Axe Earth.png 2 +7% +13% 0 0 20 Wood, 5 Whetstones, 5 Special Wood, Wood Axe +5 (B) +20 Earth, -30 Wind
Storm Bow Wind.png 2 0 +15% -5% +10% 20 Feathers, 5 Whetstones, 5 Bound Feathers, Feather Bow +5 (B) +20 Wind, -30 Fire
Titanium Sword Neutral.png 3 +8% +22% +10% -15% 10 Iron Bars, 2 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Ore, Steel Sword +10 (S) +5 All
Inferno Sword Fire.png 3 0 +40% -15% 0 10 Fire Stones, 2 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Fire Stones, Flame Sword +10 (S) +30 Fire, -30 Water
Tsunami Spear Water.png 3 0 +25% 0 0 10 Nevermelting Ice, 2 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Ice, Flood Spear +10 (S) +30 Water, -30 Earth
Forest Axe Earth.png 3 +10% +15% 0 0 10 Special Wood, 2 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Wood, Tree Axe +10 (S) +30 Earth, -30 Wind
Hurricane Bow Wind.png 3 0 +22% -10% +13% 10 Bound Feathers, 2 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Feathers, Storm Bow +10 (S) +30 Wind, -30 Fire
Mythril Shield Neutral.png 4 30% -20% 55% -10% 10 Titanium Bars, 10 Mythril, 10 Magic Ore, Titanium Sword +20 (SSS) +5 All
Sun Sword Fire.png 4 0 65% -10% 0 10 Inferno Bars, 10 Sun Stones, 10 Magic Stones, Inferno Sword +20 (SSS) +90 Fire, -90 Water
Ocean Spear Water.png 4 0 55% 0 0 10 Tsunami Bars, 10 Ocean Stones, 10 Magic Ice, Tsunami Spear +20 (SSS) +90 Water, -90 Earth
Jungle Axe Earth.png 4 10% 45% 10% -10% 10 Forest Bars, 10 Jungle Stones, 10 Magic Wood, Forest Axe +20 (SSS) +90 Earth, -90 Wind
Sky Bow Wind.png 4 0 40% -10% 25% 10 Hurricane Bars, 10 Sky Stones, 10 Magic Feathers, Hurricane Bow +20 (SSS) +90 Wind, -90 Fire

Forge: Accessories

Item Name Element Tier HP Atk Def Spd Resource Cost Resistances
Iron Ring Neutral.png 1 +5% +5% +5% -5% 10 Iron Ore, 2 Iron Bars
Fire Gloves Fire.png 1 -5% +15% -5% +5% 10 Hot Stones, 2 Fire Stones +25 Fire, -50 Water
Water Necklace Water.png 1 0 +5% +5% 0 10 Ice Blocks, 2 Nevermelting Ice +25 Water, -50 Earth
Wood Bracelet Earth.png 1 +5% 0 +5% 0 10 Wood, 2 Special Wood +25 Earth, -50 Wind
Feather Ring Wind.png 1 0 -5% 0 +15% 10 Feathers, 2 Bound Feathers +25 Wind, -50 Fire
Steel Ring Neutral.png 2 +7% +7% +7% -7% 20 Iron Ore, 5 Whetstones, 5 Iron Bars, Iron Ring +5 (B)
Flame Gloves Fire.png 2 -7% +21% -7% +7% 20 Hot Stones, 5 Whetstones, 5 Fire Stones, Fire Gloves +5 (B) +50 Fire, -50 Water
Flood Necklace Water.png 2 0 +7% +7% 0 20 Ice Blocks, 5 Whetstones, 5 Nevermelting Ice, Water Necklace +5 (B) +50 Water, -50 Earth
Tree Bracelet Earth.png 2 +7% 0 +7% 0 20 Wood, 5 Whetstones, 5 Special Wood, Wood Bracelet +5 (B) +50 Earth, -50 Wind
Storm Ring Wind.png 2 0 -7% 0 +21% 20 Feathers, 5 Whetstones, 5 Bound Feathers, Feather Ring +5 (B) +50 Wind, -50 Fire
Titanium Ring Neutral.png 3 +10% +10% +10% -10% 10 Iron Bars, 2 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Ore, Steel Ring +10 (S) +10 All
Inferno Gloves Fire.png 3 -10% +30% -10% +10% 10 Fire Stones, 2 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Fire Stones, Flame Gloves +10 (S) +75 Fire, -50 Water
Tsunami Necklace Water.png 3 0 +10% +10% 0 10 Nevermelting Ice, 2 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Ice, Flood Necklace +10 (S) +75 Water, -50 Earth
Forest Bracelet Earth.png 3 +10% 0 +10% 0 10 Special Wood, 2 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Wood, Tree Bracelet +10 (S) +75 Earth, -50 Wind
Hurricane Ring Wind.png 3 0 -10% 0 +30% 10 Bound Feathers, 2 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Feathers, Storm Ring +10 (S) +75 Wind, -50 Fire
Mythril Ring Neutral.png 4 25% 0 30% -10% 10 Titanium Bars, 10 Mythril, 10 Magic Ore, Titanium Ring +20 (SSS) +25 All
Sun Gloves Fire.png 4 -10% 45% -10% 20% 10 Inferno Bars, 10 Sun Stones, 10 Magic Fire Stones, Inferno Gloves +20 (SSS) +150 Fire, -100 Water
Ocean Necklace Water.png 4 0 25% 20% 0 10 Tsunami Bars, 10 Ocean Stones, 10 Magic Ice, Tsunami Necklace +20 (SSS) +150 Water, -100 Earth
Jungle Bracelet Earth.png 4 25% 0 25% 0 10 Forest Bars, 10 Jungle Stones, 10 Magic Wood, Forest Bracelet +20 (SSS) +150 Earth, -100 Wind
Sky Ring Wind.png 4 0 -10% 0 55% 10 Hurricane Bars, 10 Sky Stones, 10 Magic Feathers, Hurricane Ring +20 (SSS) +150 Wind, -100 Fire

Special Equipment

These equipment don't confer player bonuses like ordinary. Each one is designed for a special purpose, and applies only to the Pet who equips it.

Item Name Element Tier HP Atk Def Spd Resource Cost Resistances Special Effect
Forging Hammer Fire.png 1 0 +10% 0 0 10 Iron Ore, 10 Wood, 10 Hot Stone, 2 Iron Bar, 2 Special Wood, 2 Fire Stone +10 Fire Increases Blacksmith crafting quality and speed up to 16.67%
Shaping Hammer Fire.png 2 0 +20% 0 0 5 Iron Bar, 5 Special Wood, 5 Fire Stones, 10 Whetstones, Forging Hammer +5 (B) +20 Fire Increases Blacksmith crafting quality and speed up to 33.33%
Magic Hammer Fire.png 3 0 +30% 0 0 2 Magic Fire Stones, 2 Magic Ore, 2 Magic Wood, 5 Sacred Stones, Shaping Hammer +10 (S) +20 Fire Increases Blacksmith crafting quality and speed up to 50%
Legendary Hammer Fire.png 4 0 +45% 0 0 4 Inferno Bars, 4 Titanium Bars, 4 Forest Bars, 4 Sun Stones, 4 Mythril, 4 Jungle Stones, 10 Sacred Stones, Magic Hammer +20 (SSS) +30 Fire Increases Blacksmith crafting quality and speed up to 100%
Walking Stick Earth.png 1 0 +1% 0 +9% 30 Wood, 6 Special Wood +10 Earth Increases bonus for all campaigns for equipped pet up to 16.67%
Journeying Stick Earth.png 2 0 +2% 0 +18% 15 Special Wood, 10 Whetstones, Walking Stick +5 (B) +20 Earth Increases bonus for all campaigns for equipped pet up to 33.33%
Magic Stick Earth.png 3 0 +3% 0 +27% 6 Magic Wood, 5 Sacred Stones, Journeying Stick +10 (S) +30 Earth Increases bonus for all campaigns for equipped pet up to 50%
Legendary Stick Earth.png 4 0 +5% 0 +40% 15 Forest Bars, 10 Jungle Stones, 10 Sacred Stones, Magic Stick +20 (SSS) +60 Earth Increases bonus for all campaigns for equipped pet up to 100%
Iron Pot Neutral.png 1 0 0 +10% 0 30 Iron Ore, 6 Iron Bars +2 All Increases Alchemist crafting speed up to 16.67%
Steel Pot Neutral.png 2 0 0 +20% 0 15 Iron Bar, 10 Whetstones, Iron Pot +5 (B) +5 All Increases Alchemist crafting speed up to 33.33%
Magic Pot Neutral.png 3 0 0 +30% 0 6 Magic Ore, 5 Sacred Stones, Steel Pot +10 (S) +7 All Increases Alchemist crafting speed up to 50%
Legendary Pot Neutral.png 4 0 0 +45% 0 15 Titanium Bars, 10 Mythril, 10 Sacred Stones, 1 Magic Pot +20 (SSS) +15 All Increases Alchemist crafting speed up to 100%
Training Sword Water.png 1 +4% +6% 0 0 15 Ice Blocks, 2 Nevermelting Ice -5 Fire, +10 Water,
-5 Wind, -5 Earth
Increases exp gained, and steals up to 33.33% of gained exp from other pets.
Leeching Sword Water.png 2 +8% +12% 0 0 20 Ice Blocks, 7 Nevermelting Ice, 6 Whetstones, Training Sword +5 (B) -7 Fire, +20 Water,
-7 Wind, -7 Earth
Increases exp gained, and steals up to 66.67% of gained exp from other pets.
Ego Sword Water.png 3 +10% +20% 0 0 12 Nevermelting Ice, 4 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Ice, Leeching Sword +10 (S) -10 Fire, +30 Water, -10 Wind, -10 Earth Increases exp gained, and steals up to 100% of gained exp from other pets.
Soul Sword Water.png 4 +15% +30% 0 0 12 Tsunami Bars, 12 Ocean Stones, 12 Magic Ice, Ego Sword +20 (SSS) -20 Fire, +60 Water, -20 Wind, -20 Earth Increases exp gained, and steals up to 100% of gained exp from other pets. Increases HP regen of your god by up to 5%
Howling Knives Wind.png 1 -3% 7% -3% 7% 15 Feathers, 2 Bound Feathers -10 Fire, 0 Water,
10 Wind, 0 Earth
Lowers Enemy Defense up to 0.33% per hit (Non-effective on Mages)
Thundering Knives Wind.png 2 -6% 14% -6% 14% 20 Feathers, 7 Bound Feathers, 6 Whetstones, Howling Knives +5 (B) -20 Fire, 0 Water,
20 Wind, 0 Earth
Lowers Enemy Defense up to 0.67% per hit (Non-effective on Mages)
Burning Knives Wind.png 3 -9% 21% -9% 21% 12 Bound Feathers, 4 Sacred Stones, 2 Magic Feathers, Thundering Knives +10 (S) -30 Fire, 0 Water,
30 Wind, 0 Earth
Lowers Enemy Defense up to 1% per hit (Non-effective on Mages)
Exploding Knives Wind.png 4 -15% 40% -15% 35% 12 Hurricane Bars, 12 Sky Stones, 12 Magic Feathers, Burning Knives +20 (SSS) -60 Fire, 0 Water,
60 Wind, 0 Earth
Lowers Enemy Defense and Elements up to 1% per hit (Non-effective on Mages, Elements capped at 50% original value)
Alchemist Cape Neutral.png 3 6% 6% 6% 6% This equip can only be purchased from the Gems tab under Items + Gems. Each one costs 2000 level 1 gems of each element. Gems are rewarded from Challenge Dungeons. 13 Fire, 13 Water,
13 Wind, 13 Earth
Allows alchemists to craft Tier 3 materials
Robe of Economy Wind.png 4 20% 0 15% 30% 20 Hurricane Bars, 20 Sky Stones -50 Fire, -20 Water,
90 Wind, -20 Earth
If equipped with an Mana Cape, onto an alchemist, it will decrease the cost of crafting Tier 4 materials. This scales up with the Upgrades, Enchantments, and Quality of the Robe itself
Mana Cape Neutral.png 4 12% 12% 12% 12% 12 Titanium Bars, 12 Mythril, 12 Magic Ore, 1 Alchemist Cape +20 (SSS) 24 Fire, 24 Water,
24 Wind, 24 Earth
Allows alchemists to craft Tier 3 and Tier 4 materials if it's quality is SSS
Ear Muffs Neutral.png 1 7 Iron Ore, 7 Wood, 7 Hot Stone, 7 Feather, 7 Ice Block Improves the crafting speed of any Blacksmith or Alchemist equipping them (maxed at +10% at SSS+20)

Unique Equipment

These pieces of equipment are obtained through non-conventional means and typically have a special feature/purpose that makes them unique.

As these equipments are obtained through special means and cannot be obtained as A+0. The bonuses shown here are at A+0, with their actual values on obtainment in parentheses.

Item Name Element Tier Type HP Atk Def Spd Resistances Obtainment Method Special Effect
Gram Neutral.png 4 Weapon 0 28% (73%) 0 0 7 (82) Fire, 7 (82) Water,

7 (82) Wind, 7 (82) Earth

Obtained through defeating the powerful Patreon bosses (Gram). A sword made from Odin. It is said to be the strongest sword in the universe but lost a bit of his power. Defeating unique bosses will increase its power and XP bonus. Will increase the experience the wielder receives from dungeons by 20% + 2% per Patreon boss defeated.
Rune Patch Neutral.png 4 Armor 30% (41%) 10% (14%) 20% (27%) 0 10 (78) Fire, 10 (78) Water, 10 (78) Wind, 10 (78) Earth Obtained through the Ultimate Stats Challenge. Not Upgradeable by crafting. It will increase the crafting speed and quality if equipped on a blacksmith by (# of USC completed, max 25)%. After it is maxed, it will also increase the damage of non-mage pets by 25% and the damage of mage pets by 50% if it is equipped by a blacksmith in a dungeon team.
Spectrometers Neutral.png 4 Accessory 6% (10%) 19% (31%) 6% (10%) 19% (31%) 5 (8) Fire, 5 (8) Water, 15 (25) Wind, 15 (25) Earth Purchased as part of the annual Summer event (2022). Now available again as an IAP (Premium Shop/Items) or through pet stones. Allows any alchemist to craft T3 and T4 materials and provides a chance to not consume resources while crafting (stacks additively with Bottle).
Master Gloves Wind.png 4 Accessory 25% (41%) 0 0 25% (41%) -160 (-264) Fire, 10 (16) Water, 140 (231) Wind, 10 (16) Earth Purchased as part of the annual Halloween event (2022). Now available again as an IAP (Premium Shop/Items) or through pet stones. These gloves can be equipped by Blacksmiths to increase their crafting speed by up to 30%.
Candy Cane Neutral.png 4 Weapon 0 5% (8%) 0% 40% (66%) 10 (16) Fire, 10 (16) Water, 10 (16) Wind, 10 (16) Earth Purchased as part of the annual Holiday/Christmas event (2022). Now available again as an IAP (Premium Shop/Items) or through pet stones. Increases the boost for all campaigns for the equipped pet by up to 125%.
Learning Coat Water.png 4 Armor 15% (25%) 15% (25%) 15% (25%) 15% (25%) 20 (33) Fire, 160 (264) Water, 20 (33) Wind, -150 (-247) Earth Purchased as a part of the annual Valentine event (2023). Now available again as an IAP (Premium Shop/Items) or through pet stones. Increases the class experience gain of a pet outside of dungeon who has this equipped by 50% (Additive to Owl, Bat, or similar pet bonuses)
Magic Egg Neutral.png 4 Weapon 10% (16%) 30% (49%) 10% (16%) 10% (16%) 10 (16) Fire, 10 (16) Water, 10 (16) Wind, 10 (16) Earth Purchased as a part of the annual Easter event (2023). Will become available again as an IAP (Premium Shop/Items) or through pet stones during the 2024 Easter Event. Increases the current growth and the growth gained in dungeon events of the pet this is equipped to by 30%. This allows you to shortcut growth requirements for pet evolutions.
Creators Vest Fire.png 4 Armor 10% (16%) 35% (58%) 0 0 160 (264) Fire, 120 (-198) Water, 0 Wind, 0 Earth Purchased as a part of the annual summer event (2023). Will become available again as an IAP (Premium Shop/Items) or through pet stones during the 2024 Summer Event. Increases the creating speed by 25% (additive to other equip) and 10% (multiplicative).
Godly Hammer Earth.png 4 Weapon 0 0 35% (58%) 10% (16%) 0 Fire, -120 (-198) Water, 0 Wind, 160 (294) Earth Purchased as a part of the annual Halloween event (2023). Will become available again as an IAP (Premium Shop/Items) or through pet stones during the 2024 Halloween Event. Increases the building speed by 25% (additive to other equip) and 10% (multiplicative).
Merry Mantle Water.png 4 Armor 17% (28%) 0 28% (46%) 0 -15 (-24) Fire, 80 (132) Water, 5 (8) Wind, 5 (8) Earth Purchased as a part of the annual Holiday/Christmas event (2023). Will become available again as an IAP (Premium Shop/Items) or through pet stones during the 2024 Holiday/Christmas Event. Increases the boost for all campaigns for the equipped pet by up to 150%.
Growing Love Pendant Earth.png 4 Accessory 55% (91%) 0 0 0 -40 (-68) Fire, -40 (-68) Water, -40 (-68) Wind, 220 (363) Earth Purchased during the 2024 Valentine event. Will become available again as an IAP (Premium Shop/Items) or through pet stones during the 2025 Valentine's Event. Once per hour, gives up to 1 base growth to the pet wearing it for each evolved pet. The wearer must not be in the top 10 by total growth. This includes pets not yet unlocked.
Celestial Bow Wind.png 4 Weapon 0 ? (130%) 0 ? (52%) ? (0) Fire, ? (0) Water, 390 Wind, ? (0) Earth Crafted as part of the final PGC This bow is only useable during the 25th PGC and serves no purpose other than to make the challenge faster. The weapon will be destroyed upon completing the challenge.
Haposti Neutral.png 4 Weapon 15% (20%) 15% (20%) 15% (20%) 15% (20%) 10 (17) Fire, 10 (17) Water, 10 (17) Wind, 10 (17) Earth Tavern quest reward. Confers the bonuses of a Hammer, a Pot and a Stick simultaneously.
WonderAxe Neutral.png 5 Weapon 10% (26%) 75% (195%) 10% (26%) 10% (26%) ? (175) Fire, ? (175) Water, ? (175) Wind, ? (175) Earth Tavern quest reward. Counts as a T5 weapon and increases all element stats. A non-Mage user has a 10% chance to ignore the enemy defense.
EnlightmentVest Neutral.png 5 Armor 10% (26%) 10% (26%) 10% (26%) 75% (195%) ? (175) Fire, ? (175) Water,

? (175) Wind, ? (175) Earth

Tavern quest reward. Counts as a T5 armor and increases crafting speed by 50% (multiplicative).


Upgrading a piece of pet equipment increases the item's "plus" (a.k.a. upgrade level) by 1 point. The Blacksmith's level and element affect the speed of an Upgrade, but there is no randomness in the result. The quality level will remain the same.

The cost of an Upgrade increases with the item's current and new plus. All items require 2*plus whetstones for +1 to +10, and 2*(plus-10) sacred stones for +11 to +20.

Starting from new plus of +4, you must pay tier 1 and tier 2 materials of the same types as were required to forge the item (if any). Starting at 1 each material and rising by 1 for every 5 additional pluses. For example an Iron Sword costs 10 Iron Ore (tier 1 material) and 2 Iron Bar (tier 2 metal material) to forge, so upgrading an Iron Sword from +11 to +12 costs 3 Iron Ore and 3 Iron Bar, in addition to 4 Sacred Stones. While a tier 3 hammer did not cost any tier 1 or tier 2 materials, so it only costs 20 whetstones to upgrade to +10.

Starting from new plus of +11, you must pay tier 3 materials of the same types as were required to forge the item (if any). The amount needed is twice as much as t2 materials would be required for the same level. +11 requires 2 tier 2 materials, so it requires 4 tier 3 materials. Since Water Spear (tier 1 weapon) does not cost any tier 3 material to forge, it doesn't cost any tier 3 materials to upgrade. While Tsunami Spear (tier 3 weapon) requires 10 Nevermelting ice (tier 2 material) and 2 Magic Ice (tier 3 material) to forge, as such it requires 2 nevermelting ice and 4 magic ice to upgrade to +11, in addition to the 2 sacred stones.

Note that this pricing method makes hammers, which are forged with three different elements, three times as expensive to upgrade compared to pots and sticks. This is despite the cost of forging being the same and having similar reforge costs (slight rounding differences).

Upgrade Whetstones Sacred Stones Bars or T1 / T2 / T4 Mats

(each, if required)

T3 Mats (each,

if required)

+1 2 0 0 0
+2 4 0 0 0
+3 6 0 0 0
+4 8 0 1 0
+5 10 0 1 0
+6 12 0 1 0
+7 14 0 1 0
+8 16 0 1 0
+9 18 0 2 0
+10 20 0 2 0
+11 0 2 2 4
+12 0 4 2 4
+13 0 6 2 4
+14 0 8 3 6
+15 0 10 3 6
+16 0 12 3 6
+17 0 14 3 6
+18 0 16 3 6
+19 0 18 4 8
+20 0 20 4 8


Reforging increases the Quality of an item by one step (e.g. from F to E, from A to S, from SS to SSS, etc.) The cost of reforging is a percentage of the cost to forge the item, and this percentage increases with the quality as shown in the table below. To determine the cost to reforge an item, multiply the cost factor by the amount of each material required to forge it, rounding up each time. Equipment used in forging is excluded.

Current Quality Cost Factor
F 0.1
E 0.4
D 0.9
C 1.6
B 2.5
A 3.6
S 4.9
SS 6.4


Alchemists can increase the Enchantment level of a piece of Equipment. Alchemists do not get disrupted from their work by a rebirth.

Enchantment levels are halved when you use a piece of equipment to create a higher tier version. While higher tiers do cost more to enchant, you still lose raw materials if you enchant an item before upgrading its tier. So it is recommended to only enchant if you are going to use it for a while. The higher your enchantment level the more you lose on upgrade.

Maximum possible losses:

  • T1 E20 to T2 E10 causes the loss of 51 T2 mats
  • T2 E20 to T3 E10 causes the loss of 127 T2 mats
  • T3 E20 to T4 E10 causes the loss of 205 T2 mats

If an item is of the Neutral element it will receive a bonus to all elements (exact quantity to be determined).

If an item is of any other element, each enchantment level reduces all of its elemental vulnerabilities by exactly 5%p each (if it has any). This reduction is applied multiplicatively to all sources of vulnerability increase (ex: upgrading and reforging increases an item's vulnerability. And that increase is also reduced by 5%p per enchantment level). Thus E20 (-100% vulnerability) will always zero out vulnerabilities. If it has no vulnerabilities to reduce (for example Legendary Hammer) then enchanting it does nothing.

For example A+0 wooden vest has 40 wind vulnerability. E10 provides a 50% reduction which results in 40 * 0.5 = 20 wind vulnerability. SSS+0 wooden vest has 52 wind vulnerability. E10 provides a 50% reduction which results in 52 * 0.5 = 26 wind vulnerability. The additional 12 vulnerability from reforging to SSS was reduced to 6 because the vulnerability reduction is multiplicative and applies to all sources of increase.

Enchanting a Neutral equipment costs Neutral materials. According to Ryu enchanting non Neutral items automatically chooses the element they are most vulnerable to when calculating cost. For most items that is the standard elemental weakness of their element. There are exceptions in the form of Hammers (fire, no vulnerability) and XP swords (water, vulnerable to wind, earth, & fire equally). In those cases it will automatically choose wind mats for hammers and swords. Several years ago this used to be fire mats but due to code changes under the hood it now ended up being wind as of 2022.

T1 enchanting costs

The cost to enchant T1 equipment

Note: All costs in the table below are in T2 materials.

Enchantment T2 cost T2 cumulative cost
E1 1 1
E2 1 2
E3 2 4
E4 2 6
E5 2 8
E6 3 11
E7 4 15
E8 4 19
E9 4 23
E10 5 28
E11 6 34
E12 6 40
E13 6 46
E14 7 53
E15 8 61
E16 8 69
E17 8 77
E18 9 86
E19 10 96
E20 10 106

T2 enchanting costs

The cost to enchant T2 equipment

Note: All costs in the table below are in T2 materials.

Enchantment T2 cost T2 cumulative cost
E1 1 1
E2 2 3
E3 3 6
E4 4 10
E5 5 15
E6 6 21
E7 7 28
E8 8 36
E9 9 45
E10 10 55
E11 11 66
E12 12 78
E13 13 91
E14 14 105
E15 15 120
E16 16 136
E17 17 153
E18 18 171
E19 19 190
E20 20 210

T3 enchanting costs

The cost to enchant T3 equipment

Note: All costs in the table below are in T2 materials.

Enchantment T2 cost T2 cumulative cost
E1 2 2
E2 3 5
E3 4 9
E4 6 15
E5 8 23
E6 9 32
E7 10 42
E8 12 54
E9 14 68
E10 15 83
E11 16 99
E12 18 117
E13 20 137
E14 21 158
E15 22 180
E16 24 204
E17 26 230
E18 27 257
E19 28 285
E20 30 315
Total 1-20 315 315

T4 enchanting costs

The cost to enchant T4 equipment

Enchantment T2 cost T3 cost
E1 2 0
E2 4 0
E3 6 0
E4 8 0
E5 10 0
E6 12 0
E7 14 0
E8 16 0
E9 18 0
E10 20 0
E11 22 11
E12 24 12
E13 26 13
E14 28 14
E15 30 15
E16 32 16
E17 34 17
E18 36 18
E19 38 19
E20 40 20
Total 1-20 420 155
Total 11-20 310 155

Player Bonuses

The bonus conferred by pet equipment to your God's stats depends only on the item's element and tier. For example, a tier 1 iron weapon and a tier 1 iron armor both give the same bonus to the player.

The "quality multiplier" is 1 for F, 2 for E, 3 for D, and so on up to 9 for SSS.

Element Tier 1 Bonus Tier 2 Bonus Tier 3 Bonus Tier 4 Bonus
Neutral Increase player HP by 0.0882% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase player HP by 0.1764% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase player HP by 0.2646% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase player HP by 0.5291% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality
Fire Increase player attack by 0.0882% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase player attack by 0.1764% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase player attack by 0.2646% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase player attack by 0.5291% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality
Water Increase player mystic by 0.0882% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase player mystic by 0.1764% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase player mystic by 0.2646% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase player mystic by 0.5291% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality
Earth Increase build speed by 0.0044% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase build speed by 0.0088% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase build speed by 0.0132% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase build speed by 0.0264% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality
Wind Increase creating speed by 0.0044% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase creating speed by 0.0088% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase creating speed by 0.0132% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality Increase creating speed by 0.0264% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality
Soul Sword N/A N/A N/A Increase HP Regen by 0.0529% * (1 + upgrade level) * quality