Growing Love Pendant

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The Growing Love Pendant is the event equipment for Valentine's Day 2024. A maximum of 2 pendants may be acquired, either by direct monetary purchase, or by spending 2000 hearts (event currency). The pendant counts as a tier 4 Earth accessory, and a gem may be added to it.

If purchased using money, the pendant has Quality SSS, +20 upgrade level, and 0 enchantments. If purchased with event currency, the pendant has Quality S, +10 upgrade level, and 0 enchantment.

The pendant gives base growth to the pet wearing it once per hour. The amount of growth given is based on your total number of evolved pets, and the pendant's Quality and upgrade level. At S +10, it gives 0.41 * evolved_pets, and at SSS +20 it gives 1.0 * evolved_pets base growth per hour.

When fully upgraded and reforged, the pendant also gives best-in-slot HP and Earth element bonuses.

A pet which is in your top 10 by base growth may not equip the pendant. If a pet who is wearing the pendant enters your top 10, the pendant will fall off, with this message:

PETNAME unequipped Growing Love Pendant because its growth is now the 10th highest of your pets.