Divinity Generator

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The Divinity Generator, or "div gen," is the main source of divinity for most of the game, massively outpacing the rewards from Monsters.

Unlocking the Divinity Generator

The Divinity Generator can be built after defeating Cybele and building a Temple of God. The costs are:

  • 250,000 Light
  • 1,000,000 Stone
  • 100,000 Tree
  • 250,000 Water
  • 150,000 seconds base build time

How the Divinity Generator Works

The short version: you and your clones shovel raw stones into the machine and melt them down into Divinity, which can then be used to make more things (including stone). It's a net positive process.

The longer version: the Div Gen takes Divinity as input, and produces a greater amount of Divinity as output. Once fueled, the Div Gen operates automatically, converting Divinity into More Divinity every second, until its fuel supply is exhausted.

The machine has storage capacity for Divinity (fuel/input) and for stones. The amount of Divinity that can be stored in the machine is relatively small, which means you will need to keep adding Divinity to it periodically. To help make this less tedious, you may also store stones in a separate input chute, and assign shadow clones to convert these stones into Divinity, to fuel the Div Gen. The amount of stones that can be stored is significantly larger (in terms of how long they'll fuel the device before you must act) than the amount of Divinity.

Shadow clones may also be assigned to upgrade the Div Gen in 3 ways: Capacity (more storage for Divinity and stones), Divinity gain (conversion efficiency), and Converting speed (amount of Divinity converted per second). These upgrades will be discussed below.

Increasing Divinity Generator Output

The divinity you gain from it is based on several factors.

Highest God Defeated

At the very beginning, the divinity generator can hold 10 trillion (1e13) divinity and can convert 1 billion (1e9) divinity per second at a ratio of 2:1, yielding an output of 2 billion div/s.

Defeating Zeus or any higher god for the first time will permanently increase the capacity and converting speed of the generator by 1. So, with Zeus defeated you'd have 2x the speed and capacity, 3x with Nyx, 4x with Luna, and so on. The output after this boost is sometimes referred to as the div gen's "base stats."

The formula to calculate Div/s after Baal is: (10 + Highest P. Baal + 2 * NDCs) * 1e9

Divinity Gain and Converting Speed Upgrades

Both of these upgrades work to multiply the output of the generator. Each level in Divinity Gain will raise the ratio of Div in:Div out by 1, going from 2:1 to 3:1, 4:1, 5:1 and so on with each level. Converting Speed multiplies your base convert speed by a factor equal to the upgrade level +1. so level 1 gives 2x the converting speed of your base Div Gen, level 2 gives 3x, and so on. These upgrades both work off each other, so your overall expected boost in divinity/s is these two upgrades multiplied together.

For example: You have a base Converts/s of 5 billion which is a production of 10 billion div/s, from killing Zeus through Odin. With level 5 in both Divinity Gain and Converting Speed, you now convert at a rate of 7:1 instead of 2:1, and the base convert speed is multiplied with (5+1). Your overall divinity output is therefore your base Convert/s multiplied by a factor of:

7 * (5+1) = 42x your base stats, so you now output 210 billion div/s.

Divinity Generator upgrades last only for your current rebirth.

Upgrading Capacity, Divinity Gain, and Converting Speed takes the same amount of time at each level. The base upgrade time is 1,000,000 seconds for 1000 clones for divinity gain and converting speed, and 500,000 seconds for 1000 clones for capacity, and every level takes B * (2n - 1) seconds, where B is the base upgrade time and n is the level you want to upgrade to.

For Example:

Level Base Build time (s)
1 1,000,000
2 3,000,000
3 5,000,000


When shadow clones are assigned to shovel stones into the Div Gen, only a finite number are needed, based on the Div Gen's conversion speed. The Div Gen has a CAP button which will assign just enough clones to keep the machine fueled using stones.

The Div Gen also has a CAP Max button which will assign even more clones. These extra clones can increase the Divinity production beyond the normal output rate, which is called overcapping.


  • NDC increases capacity and converting speed by +2 gods per challenge. Finishing all 25 increases worker fill speed by 50%.
  • DGC increases the fill speed of worker clones (by 12% multiplicative per challenge), and the overcapping bonus (5% additive).

FSM Bonus

If you have FSM unlocked, it will multiply your divinity from divgen based on its stats.

Patreon Boosts

T4 and T5 Patreons can grant all players a boost to their divgen when online.

Battle Crystal & Ultimate Crystal

These crystals provide a boost to the amount of divinity you get from all sources which also includes divgen.

ChP Purchase

Up to +50% Divinity Gain Boost may be purchased using Challenge Points.


The RTI divinity bonus boosts the amount you get from your divgen.


The SpaceDim has two elements which affect the Div Gen:

  • Fusion Torch (v15) affects worker fill speed.
  • Fusion Retrofitting (v20) increases the overcapping bonus.

Bonuses which directly affect Divinity gain are all multiplicative. Therefore your total divgen boost might look like 100% * 1.31 (Patreon) * 1.3 (FSM) * 2 (RTI) * 1.2 (CHP upgrades) * 1.15 (Crystals) = 470%. If you would normally be gaining 1 quadrillion per second based on your HGE and divgen levels, you would now gain 4.7 quadrillion div per second.

Super Divinity Generator

After completing your first Super Divinity Generator Challenge (SDGC) and building 100,000 levels in all three elements (Capacity, Div Gain, Convert Speed) you can transform your normal, boring DivGen into a Super DivGen. It behaves similarly to the base DivGen but can have a higher output faster (depending on how many SDGC you have completed). All other factors that would normally affect the DivGen output also affect the Super DivGen.

The Super DivGen efficiency is (20 + 4 * SDGC completions)%, maxed at 100%. Building time is much greater for the Super DivGen, but allows you to bypass the black-bar limitation. Building the Super DivGen is only useful for players capable of black-barring thousands of levels and find themselves limited by the speed of black-bar.

Due to the nature of the Super DivGen, its efficiency is lessened until you complete all 20 SDGC. For this reason, it is advised you finish all SDGC prior to relying on the Super DivGen.

To estimate the time to build SDG compared to the regular DG, the following formula can be used. For n use the SDG level you want to reach for one element. The formula will give you the level compared to the regular DG (for time spent): x = 1/6 * n * (1 + n) * sqrt(-3 + 6 * n * (1 + n)) with x being the normal divgen level and n being the target level of the SDG. You can then use the build times listed higher up on this page to determine the SDG element build time.