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Mimic redirects here. If you're looking for the monster, see Dungeons#Mimics.


Treasure evo.png

A rare treasure! How can you even find it? Must be hidden in D3 dungeons, but make sure to take nothing with you! Opens pandora if used in the same campaign which will revert the bonus into penalty! If used on RTI, will increase the exp of all RTI pets by 5% * Class level. Increases damage done in dungeons by Mimic points / 100% up to 50%, after that by Mimic points^0.4 + 20.

Name Name Evolved Name Total Growth
Treasure Treasure Mimic 22200
Campaign Bonus Special Ability
None. See description for penalty if used with Pandora. Increases the damage you do with single target attacks in dungeons by an extra 1.25% * class level if your class is an assassin.
Unlock Criteria Evolution Requirements
Have 500 Mimic points. Total Growth 75000
Material 3750 iron Bar
Other Have at least 5000 Mimic points.

Mimic Points

Mimic Points are gained by defeating the mimic enemy in Depth 3 dungeons. They spawn when you bring the Nothing item with your dungeon team. Nothing can be gained from feeding Otter, or crafted by blacksmiths and alchemists. The number of Mimic Points earned is equal to the Difficulty. For example, Depth 3 Difficulty 10 will give 10 points per mimic killed. Likewise, Difficulty 0 will give 0 points. For a more in-depth look into the mimic enemy, see Dungeons - Mimics and Equip.


Initially, when you evolve Mimic, you likely will not have an opening in dungeon to use it, especially if you have already hatched and evolved Carno. Because of this, along with the relative unimportance of the physical and battle stat, a popular option is to semi-permanently slot Mimic into one of your RTI slots, as the multiplier to the passive class experience gained makes it well worth the slot taken.

Due to its bonus attack scaling with universal mimic points (as opposed to a pet specific trigger like White Tiger), in Lategame Dungeons Mimic will almost certainly end up your strongest possible neutral assassin.