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Archer evo.png

Rykker Bow's personal pet. Trained in handling a bow since birth until he perfected the way of the bow. Now shooting with only one arrow is often not enough and he uses two at once.
Chance to shoot two arrows at once with a bow equipped: (20 + class level * 1.25)%, capped at 100%.

Name Name Evolved Name Total Growth
Archer Archer 14700
Campaign Bonus Special Ability
+75% divinity, +50% item Increases the damage you do with single target attacks in dungeons by an extra 1.2% * class level if your class is an assassin.
Unlock Criteria Evolution Requirements
Use a Pet Token Total Growth 70000
Material 3500 iron Bar
Other Equip a Hurricane Bow SSS +20 (20) and consume another one (This also needs to be a SSS+20 (20)).


Before Dungeons

Archer has a unique function in the original version of Patreon Gods Challenge 25 that made it do 5x the damage when equipping the Celestial Bow to P.Baal 25 compared to non-Archer pets. Due to the ease of completing the alternate version (listed on the challenge page) this use is partially depreciated.

Lategame Dungeons

In Lategame Dungeons, Archer is one of the two pets (along with Cat) that are well suited for clearing Nanobots before they overwhelm your team and cause room collapse due to their ability to attack twice. Due to the large damage caused by the Railgun Trap and the relatively low health of assassins, having Nanotraps is still recommended as an insurance to prevent nanobots from hitting the enemy limit and wiping your party.

Archer's bonus attack, while useful, is somewhat hampered by the requirement to be equipping a Bow weapon to receive the effect. As most wind equipment doesn't have a native bonus to attack, in situations where survivability is more of a concern than damage (such as D4 Scrapyard), the boost to damage output will be somewhat limited compared other neutral assassins (who can equip full water or fire sets for damage).