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Gray evo.png

Feythe found these ancient broken machines on the far side of the universe. In his pursuit of power Feythe repaired the device and infused it with his own shadow essence. As she woke up she began to multiply and when Feythe realized what he had created he was terrified of what she could become and promptly deactivated her before she could grow out of control. He removed most of the parts and gave the remnants to P. Baal 100 for safekeeping. She can barely do anything at all, but lets you summon a child of her to your liking and provides the growth of her children.

Name Name Evolved Name Total Growth
Gray Gray 29200
Campaign Bonus Special Ability
Gives no reward for all campaigns, no dungeon stats, no RTI bonus, but can create a new pet.
Unlock Criteria Evolution Requirements
Defeat P.Baal v100 or use a Pet Token Total Growth 100000
Material 5000 iron Bar
Other Have 50,000 total Spacedim levels in the current rebirth. Give her 1 of each T3 bar, 5000 of each T2 material and 100 elixirs.

Gray by herself can only do Food camps and Event camps, or serve as the Tavern barkeeper. Crafting is possible as well but at a plodding pace. Any other activities, such as participating in Dungeons or Pet Village (other than Tavern), are not possible.


After evolving Gray, Gray creates a child of itself that operates similarly to having another pet. It can be one of three classes: Adventurer, Blacksmith, or Alchemist, all of which have a 0.8% * CL bonus. It can also be any element. If you spend a token, you can create a second Child with a different set of class choices (see more below under Token Upgrade).

The Child's growth is always equal to the Mother Gray's growth, and the Child cannot earn growth in Growth campaigns, feeding (the children do not get hungry), Tavern quests, or dungeon events; the growth of the Child will always be equal to that of the Mother, and any growth that would have been earned by the Child is simply lost. The only known ways to increase Gray's growth are:

  • Feeding Gray.
  • Having Gray as the lowest-growth pet in a Growth campaign.
  • Including Gray in a Food campaign along with Lizard.

60% of all XP gained by the Child is "sent" to the Mother Gray, and the two share the same Dungeon Level and Class Level. Since Child 1 can be a blacksmith, you could theoretically put it in dungeons if you want to use it as a dungeon pet instead of a crafting pet. This can be used to level it up quickly, especially if used alongside the second Child from the token upgrade.

If you wish to change the class and/or element of the Child, use the Child # button on Gray's pet page. This cannot be done if the Child is crafting, in a campaign, or in a dungeon, but is otherwise a free action.

For the purpose of effects that scale with evolved pets, Gray and her Grayling each individually count as a separate evolved pet.

Token Upgrade

You can use a pet token to get a second Child from Gray which can be any dungeon class (Assassin, Supporter, Rogue, Mage, Defender). The Class bonus is still 0.8% * CL. The second Child behaves exactly like the first with the Mother Gray, in terms of Growth and XP. The second Child, similar to the first, sends 60% of all XP earned to Gray. If both Children are in dungeons, this means Gray (and by proxy the Children) will earn 120% xp compared to a standard pet: 60% from Child1 and 60% from Child2.