Nothing (Other)

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This page is about the pet. For the item, see Nothing (item).


Nothing evo.png

This is a sad pet, it learned nothing and is bad at everything. It never even had any fun with numbers.

Name Name Evolved Name Total Growth
Nothing Nothing Anything -29997
Campaign Bonus Special Ability
Nothing decreases all it's campaign gains by 75%. This becomes a positive 75% bonus to all campaigns after evolution. Increases the bonus to all classes by an extra 0.5% * class level and lets you change classes without loss or cost. It will also count for right class in dungeon events. After evolution, Nothing will receive a 30k base growth bonus.
Unlock Criteria Evolution Requirements
Secret Total Growth 999999
Material 10000 Magic Ore
Other Nothing is too weak to be able to evolve! (You cannot use a Pet Token to skip the questline.)

How to Unlock/Evo


  • Step 1: Hints for secret: Read FAQ to start it,
  • Step 2: Don't try step 2 before you have a dungeon team who can do mid / high d2 dungeons.
  • Step 3: Don't try the last step before you are far into d3 dungeons.

Evolving Nothing will meet the requirements for the Secret Pet 1 Milestone

Step 1

Start from the FAQ tab

Hint: There are mysterious questions and answers at the bottom of the FAQ tab.

Hint: How many people did survive?

Hint: In the Settings

Answer: Enter the total number of survivors "1300653" mentioned in the Intro of the Story tab in the Settings ⇒ Input Code. This will lead to the next hint: Congratulations for finishing the first step! There is nothing to look at for the next step...

Step 2

Obtain the Nothing pet

Hint: The Tooltip for Nothing (item) has changed to "Please don't scrap me! I Hate hot things."

Answer: Dungeon: If you put Nothing (item) and Hot Stone in the item column of the team going to Scrapyard, you will meet the hidden boss, "Nothing" in the boss room of Depth 2. When defeated, the Nothing (pet) is released.
Nothing boss stats: HP: 25,000. Attack: 1500. Defense: 500. Speed: 500. Neutral Element, all element values: 200. Normal attacks can cause the confusion effect and Nothing also uses recovery skills to heal itself. The difficulty of this fight is approximately the same as early to mid Depth 3 dungeons. Be sure to bring 2 Defenders (Elephant as one of them), and 4 of your best damage-dealing pets. Do not bring Supporters, as the confusion status effect can cause them to heal Nothing. Instead, rely solely on potions and phoenix feathers for recovery.

Step 3 First Half

Solve the mystery with the Tooltip of Nothing (pet) as a clue

"This is a sad pet, it learned nothing and is bad at everything. It never even had any fun with numbers."

Hint: Select Fun in Settings --Number Display and read the message created by connecting the words that indicate the digits. It seems easiest to enter a number in the Creation Buy and check the Divinity cost.

Hint: "You want to improve nothing? Click My Other Games then Details then Hyperion and do it in game"

Answer: Open the author's website,, open the ITRTG details, and click Hyperion in the commentary to open a secret page. Entering "right code" in the Settings ⇒ Input Code field gives you the clue for the next half of the step.

Clue: "Nice you came so far, you really want to improve nothing, right? Well then it needs to face itself..."

Step 3 Second Half

Solve the mystery from the clues obtained

Answer: Send Nothing (pet) to fight Nothing (boss) one-on-one. You need to bring the same items as before to the Scrapyard. Nothing (item) and Hot Stone in the item column to make Nothing (boss) appear again in Room 16 of Depth2. Defeating it is the trigger for Nothing (pet) to evolve. If all the requirements are met, it will evolve into Anything. You MUST have entered the "right code" into Settings ⇒ Input Code in order for the evolution to happen.

Depending on your gear, this fight is doable around Dungeon Level 135 with 40k Growth. Fully maxed T3 + gems is highly recommended. The T4 Knives from the "FreeKnives" code can also help reduce the DL/Growth requirements. This fight can be reasonably done with the following stats: 2 actions, 1.1k attack, t4 knives (use FreeKnives). Any combination of growth and dungeon levels that can obtain those numbers is likely to work. The images below are more in line with what you would need without t4 knives.

Example: The screenshots below show the gear and stats of a roughly bare minimum needed to defeat Nothing solo without t4 knives. As you will likely have a pair from the free code, you should not require as high of stats. The Nothing boss has very high self healing and its confuse debuff can be a huge problem, so having higher dungeon level and growth can of course make this fight much easier to win. Higher elements on your Nothing pet can help counter the enemy's Confusion debuff. The greater the sum of all 4 elements, the less likely the debuff will be inflicted. The exact formula is [((attacker elements/2) / defender elements)-0.3]*100 % chance. The current recommendation is >900 sum of all elements. To prep Nothing for the fight, give it a maxed Ego Sword and throw it in your Mountain team. Ideally, you should be fighting Mimics and Difficulty 10 to get the most exp.

This example is with 24k growth.
Nothing Fight.jpg

This example is with 30k growth.
Nothing 30k.png

This example is with 38k growth.

This example is with -16k growth with X and S potions used.


1. Enter "1300653" in the Settings ⇒ Input Code field.

2. Defeat the hidden boss Nothing (boss) in Scrapyard Depth2 Room 16 to unlock Nothing (pet). The boss will appear if you put Nothing (item) and Hot Stone in the item column.

3 First half. Settings --Enter "right code" in the Settings ⇒ Input Code field.

3 Second half. Defeat Nothing (boss) with a single team of Nothing (pet) only. When achieved, Nothing (pet) evolves into Anything.

Token Upgrade

With a pet token upgrade, it will always count as the correct class required for the first required pet in Tavern quests, as well as increasing CL experience of Tavern quests in which it participates by +0.15% * class level.