Black Hole Chan

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Black Hole Chan.png

Black Hole Chan evo.png

Black holes are its great role model. It likes to suck in things to compress it into nothingness, but it is very prideful and only does it with the strongest beings in the universe. Receives an extra growth of 2 x tier for all stats when you defeat an Ultimate Being V4. Gets a % bonus to all campaigns of 25 + sqrt(UBV4 points^1.01), and twice as much for all dungeon elements.

Name Name Evolved Name Total Growth
Black Hole Chan Black Hole Chan 19998
Campaign Bonus Special Ability
25 + sqrt(UBV4 points^1.01, capped at 200) % to all campaigns Increases the damage you do with multi opponent attacks in dungeons by an extra 1.17% * class level if your class is a mage. Gives an extra campaign bonus of (1.3 million seconds - fastest time in seconds needed to defeat ITRTGV4)^0.3-30 and twice as much for all elements.
Unlock Criteria Evolution Requirements
Defeat at least one Ultimate Being V4 Total Growth 66666
Material 3333 iron Bar
Other 1000 UBV4 points (You cannot use a Pet Token to skip this evo condition.)

Special Ability

Black Hole Chan is frequently referred to as BH-chan or BHC.

Receives 6 * UBv4 tier growth when a UBV4 is defeated.

If evolved as a Mage, increases damage by (1.17 * class level)%.

Black Hole Chan receives several bonuses, based on UBV4 points (U) and fastest time to defeat ITRTG V4 (T):

  • +(25 + sqrt(U ^ 1.01))% to all campaigns, capped at 200%.
  • +2*(25 + sqrt(U ^ 1.01)) to all dungeon elements, capped at 400.
  • +((1.3M - T)^0.3 - 30)% to all campaigns, if evolved. Combined campaign bonus with pre evolution is capped at 200%.
  • +2*((1.3M - T)^0.3 - 30) to all dungeon elements, if evolved.

Campaign Bonus Table

Combined campaign bonus from UBV4 points (rows) and fastest time to kill ITRTGV4 (columns), for an evolved Black Hole Chan:

0.5d 1.0d 1.5d 2.0d 2.5d 3.0d 4.0d 5.0d 6.0d 7.0d 8.0d
0 62.6 61.9 61.1 60.4 59.6 58.9 57.2 55.5 53.6 51.6 49.4
1000 95.3 94.6 93.9 93.1 92.4 91.6 90.0 88.2 86.3 84.3 82.1
2000 109.0 108.3 107.6 106.9 106.1 105.3 103.7 101.9 100.1 98.0 95.8
3000 119.6 118.9 118.2 117.4 116.7 115.9 114.2 112.5 110.6 108.6 106.4
6000 143.5 142.8 142.0 141.3 140.5 139.8 138.1 136.4 134.5 132.5 130.3
9000 161.9 161.2 160.4 159.7 158.9 158.1 156.5 154.8 152.9 150.9 148.7
12000 177.4 176.7 176.0 175.2 174.5 173.7 172.0 170.3 168.4 166.4 164.2
15000 191.1 190.4 189.7 188.9 188.1 187.4 185.7 184.0 182.1 180.1 177.9
18000 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 199.8 198.1 196.4 194.5 192.5 190.3
21000 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0


Black Hole Chan makes a very strong dungeon pet. Due to its nature as a Neutral pet, and the ability to gain growth and Elements from v4 points, this pet can become strong both offensively and defensively in many situations. Also due to its gains from v4 points, Black Hole Chan makes a good choice as a campaigning Adventurer class. The decision is entirely up to you, whether you value a solid dungeon pet or a strong campaign pet more. With enough v4 points, BH-chan can outclass strong growth campaign pets like Otter.