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Speedrunning is a strategy for maximizing your GP per hour by doing fast rebirths. By rebirthing quickly, you can fight the gods that give 1 GP every time they are defeated more frequently. A single rebirth during a speedrunning session is referred to by players as a "run".


The trick to effective speedrunning is picking a target time and sticking to it, and doing the most you can to make yourself powerful within that time. It is advised not to do dedicated speedruns until you have several million clones. While you have high GP gains, you lose out on pet growth, CP, challenges, RTI, etc. For mid to lategame players, 5-15 minute rebirths are common speedrun lengths.

A very rough outline of what you do on a speedrun is as follows:

  • Put initial clones into training, monsters, and pets.
  • Fingerflick as many gods as you can.
  • Quickly make 1 of every monument and work to unlock the Divinity Generator
  • Spend about 1/2 - 2/3 of your total intended run time upgrading the Divinity Generator as far as you can. Keep the convert speed and divinity per convert at the same levels if possible, but if they differ by 1, level convert speed first, then divinity per convert. Make sure the Divinity Generator is currently running while doing this. Go to your God Powers menu, and buy 1 GP of instant divinity.
  • Use this Divinity and create the creations you need to upgrade the monument of your choice for maximum rebirth multi. This will likely be the highest monument you can build in a speed run based on time. Start at Temple of God and work your way up to Black Hole if you can. If you are killing UBV2s in your speedruns, do not build Black Hole upgrades until after the UBv2s are dead. Black Hole upgrades usually give you more HP than your regen can keep up with.
  • If fighting UBv2s, don't be afraid to spend small amounts of GP on Divinity. This can allow you to kill more UBv2s in the same amount of time, netting even more GP than what you'd be spending.
  • Defeat as many gods as you can, again, and rebirth at your planned run time.

As your stats improve, you can consider reducing your run time. This will of course yield even more GP/hour, but also means you'll suffer from reduced rebirth multipliers. Between 0 minutes and 1 hour there is a linear scale dividing your potential rebirth multiplier, with 1 hour giving you 100% of your expected multis. On top of that, there are dividers to your rebirth multis of /2 when you are below 60, 30, 15, 12, 10, 8, and 6 minutes of time on your run and /3 when under 5, 4, 3, and 2 minutes on a run. These penalties apply twice as they affect your rebirth multi and your achievement multi as well.

If you have the ability to make >2M clones and 10 planets during your run, and have defeated P.Baal 25 or higher, you can also consider trying to defeat Planet Eater v2 to add 10 GP earned each run. The ability to defeat more UBv2 can also be achieved by having a higher HGE (highest god ever defeated) and by having more clones.

Advanced Strategy

As you complete more challenges, gain more pets, and gain more stats, what you can do during a speed run changes. Here are a few things to note when attempting a speed run in mid-end game.

Buying Divinity

It may sound counterproductive to buy divinity with GP, which you are doing the speed run for. However, the divinity bought can lead you to gaining more GP than you spent.

For example, after Planet Eater v2 is Godly Tribunal v2, which requires earthlike planets. It may take you 10 minutes to gain enough divinity to make these planets, but if you can spend 5 GP, buy those planets and use them to defeat Godly Tribunal, then you would have made 15 GP while saving 10 minutes instead of spending 10 minutes to earn 20 GP. The time save could lead to multiple runs, which would give you more GP overall.

No Target God

The basic guide targeted the lower gods like Amaterasu or Chronos and recommended shortening the timer to make GP. However, there is a limit to how fast each run should be. The most efficient runs have you doing something for the whole duration of the run, but these runs often can tire anyone out. This is why the time matters more than the target god itself.

A run that's 10 minutes long means you can do 6 runs within a hour. You will likely be doing something for the full duration and adding a p.baal to this can result in amazing GP, but also burn you out quickly. These runs are often only sustainable for an hour or less.

A run that's 15 minutes long can be sustain for much longer, as it gives you breathing room, makes fighting the UBv2s easier, but it results in less GP than a 10 minute run.

A run that's 30 minutes long is often the sweet spot between speed running and a normal run. This is because with so much time to act, it leaves you free to do things in between building divinity, building monuments, and defeating UBv2s. Outside of that, there's not much you need to do.

Beyond 30 minutes, the runs aren't really considered speed runs.

By adding additional time to the speed run, you allow yourself to sustain longer runs and the GP loss can be mitigated by defeating additional UBv2s during this time. The most important thing to consider is the time of the run, not the god you reach itself.

The Art of Speed Running

Please note this section is under construction as I'm slowly putting it together. --Dat One Guy (talk) 17:45, 13 February 2024 (UTC)

Recommended Challenges to have finished

This compilation features a carefully selected array of challenges specifically designed to enhance your speed running skills and boost the rate at which you generate God power every hour, focusing on a more efficient and streamlined method to achieve the highest possible God Power in the least amount of time.

Challenge Name Description Progression
Hard Mode Challenges Hard Mode Challenge Points More Points the better!
Black Hole Challenge The material cost for Black Holes and their upgrades will be reduced by 2%. Early Game
Ultimate Universe Challenge Your Planet level is increased by 1 (50 Max) This will help build multiplier when doing Power Surge. Early Game
All Achievements Challenge This will help boost your stats to get a higher multiplier and +50% bonuses to achievements, and half the level requirement for all achievements. Early Game - Mid Game
No Div Monument Challenge The divinity cost of creations is reduced - Time needed for building monuments by 10%. Early Game - Mid Game
Monument Multi Challenge 50% more stats Monument. Early Game - Mid Game
Pet Level Challenge Maxed out, each pet will have 500 base levels - Helps boost total power. Early Game - Mid Game
Monster Queen Challenge Increases the divinity gained from monsters by 10% per completion. Early Game - Mid Game
No Divinity Challenge Adds to your base divinity generator stats as though you defeated 2 more gods, and the auto-buy cost of creations is decreased by 0.6%. Reward capped at 25. Early Game - Mid Game
No Training Challenge Increases the mystic and physical stats you get from Skills and Physical trainings by 5% per challenge finished. Early Game - Mid Game
Day Universe Challenge After every rebirth you'll get log2(universes created) to all TBS levels. Helps with killing gods and a Perm boost as it gets stronger. Early - Mid Game
Ultimate Challenge Challenge At least to level 20 finished, unlocking all the extra levels for P. Baal Challenge You will get 3 God Power kill each P.Baal killed. This is SUPER helpful to God Power per hr. Early - Mid Game
Road to Infinity This will help with UB2 fights, You want to clear P.Baal 147 for a stronger attack Loop See Ultimate Beings V2 Common Fighting Loops Early - Late Game
SpaceDim Challenge Level speed of SpaceDim elements increases. Mid Game
UBV2 Challenge Increase the multiplier bonus you get on each UBV2 - After Might unlock - but suggest doing them anyway (11) total After UCC 20 is done. Mid Game
P. Baal Challenge Your monuments will have 4% higher rebirth caps for each challenge finished (max 100%) and each P.Baal will have a 4% chance to drop a second GP (max 100%). If you have finished 25 of them, Black Hole upgrades will increase their rebirth multi by 50%. You want all 50 done once 20 Ultimate Challenge Challenge are done. Mid Game
Ultimate Gods Challenge Increases the Baal power earned from P.Baals by 2% per challenge completed, increased to 50% after completing all 20. Mid Game
Ultimate Baal Challenge The stats increases of P. Baal v2 and on will be reduced by 1% per UBC completed, to a maximum of 50%. Mid Game
Patreon Gods Challenge Will make your Pets Stronger with more growth, Not super needed but helps. Mid Game
Greedy God Challenge Increases your Creation Count per challenge completed - 25% boost to your Creation Count. Mid Game - Late Game
Light Clone Challenge You will receive 1% more light clones on buys, This is helpful when spending Baalpower. Mid Game - Late Game
One CC Challenge Increases your creation count for creating shadow clones by 1% per challenge finished, doubled (total 50%) after completing all 25 challenges. Mid Game - Late Game
True God Skip Challenge Help boost multiplier after 1 min, helps a little depending on how long your rebirth is. Mid Game - Late Game
Expensive Monument Challenge Will add boosts from monuments to boost other monuments For a Speeder it will shorten the time needed to build monuments. Late Game

Recommended Challenge Points Purchases

Challenge Points (CP), often known as Chips, are vital for progress in the game. The list provided outlines key items to acquire that significantly aid players with a speed-focused approach. Some items on this list are for convenience, while others are essential for advancement.

Name Description Priority level
Divinity Gain Boost Increases the Divinity you gain from monsters and the Divinity Generator. Max of 50% High
Damage Boost vs UBV2s Increases the Damage you do against the UBv2. Max of 10% High
Crystal Power Boost Increases your effective Crystal Power (value in parentheses). Max of 10% Medium
Building Speed Boost Multiplies your Building Speed by 1% each upgrade. Max of 10% High
Creating Speed Boost Multiplies your Creating Speed by 1% each upgrade. Max of 10% High
TBS Level Loss Decrease Keep more of your TBS levels between rebirths. Max of 5%, 85% with GP purchases. (This Help Buy Last on the List) Low
SpaceDim Boost Boosts the speed of levelling SpaceDim. Max of 10% Medium-High
Auto Adjust Clones Automatically distribute 28 clones to physical and skills training and distribute 34 clones to monsters at the start of every rebirth.
Pet XP Overflow Pets can gain more than one level per clone killed during training. This speeds up stats gained from pets massively.
Auto Half Stats While training pets, clone stats will auto-update. This improves pet training massively.
Easier Rebirth This will let you buy Light clones, or Mighty food. Super helpful for saving time of ease of clicking and going. Medium-High
Early Spacedim Spacedim will have all elements unlocked even if you didn't defeat the needed P.Baal yet. This does not work in GP Reset Challenge. (Must have defeated Pbaal 100+) Medium


  • Optimize your PC gameplay by utilizing in-game shortcuts for quicker navigation.
  • The integrated settings are designed to accelerate your rebirths.
  • Elevate your efficiency to new heights by customizing your keyboard's F-keys.
  • For instance, assign F1 to action 1, F2 to action 2, and so forth.
  • For a speedrun, the ability to swiftly press F1, click, F2, click, F3, click, etc., is crucial.
  • Although reconfiguring your keyboard might seem a bit drastic, it results in the fastest overall performance.
    • Consider setting up the following loops for optimal gameplay:
      • Early Game - W, 5, 1, 6, 7, 6, 1, 5, Rebirth
        • Pets - Gods - Create - Monuments - Divinity - Monuments - Create - Gods - Rebirth
      • Mid Game with UB2s - W, 5, 1, 6, 7, 6, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, Rebirth
        • Pets - Gods - Create - Monuments - Divinity - Monuments - Create - Planets - Divinity - Monuments - Gods - Rebirth
      • Late Game with UB2s - W, 5, 1, 6, 7, 6, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, Rebirth
        • Pets - Gods - Create - Monuments - Divinity - Monuments - Create - Planets - Divinity - Monuments - Gods - Rebirth
    • Note Mid Game and Late Game paths are the same, Pending build times you might want to jump from Divinity and Monuments to add clones to Mystic Gardens.
Keyboard Key Description
F2 Show Shortcuts
1 Show Create
2 Show Physical
3 Show Skills
4 Show Monster
5 Show Gods
6 Show Monuments
7 Show Divinity
8 Show Planet
9 Show Might
0 Show Special
q Show TBS
w Show Pets
e Show Campaigns
f Show Multiverse
y or z RTI
a Show God Power

Pet Gear

  • Pet Gear plays a crucial role in speed running. Each Pet you own can hold 3 crafted equipment to help boost your main god stats.
    • Early Game
      • Building Speed
      • Creation Speed
        • You want to make sure each pet has something equipped.
    • Mid Game
      • Building Speed
      • Creation Speed
        • Depending on what you're lacking and what's taking the most time to level or create.
      • Attack Boost
      • Mystic Boost
        • Note: Most Dungeon teams should have a mix of gear to fill this gap. (Helps you kill Higher P.Baals)
    • Late Game
      • Building Speed
      • Creation Speed
      • Attack Boost
      • Mystic Boost
      • HP Regen Boost - Soul Swords
        • Late/End Game - Building Speed and Creation Speed become pointless because you have enough BS and CS from God Power purchase to BB Divinity and Creations.
        • Late/End Game - Your main focus is push power / attack and HP regen to clear higher P.Baals

God Power

There are many different sources that will give God Power, but for speedrunning the follow will be your main source.

God Power sources
  • Ultimate Beings V2 (on kill)
    • Planet Eater V2 (10)
    • Godly Tribunal V2 (20)
    • Living Sun V2 (30)
    • God Above All V2 (40)
    • ITRTG V2 (50)
  • Gods
    • Defeating Izanagi, and every god after, earns 1 GP each rebirth.
    • Starting with P.Baals, You will earn 1 GP per P.Baals this can double and eventually triple with P. Baal Challenges.
  • Challenges
    • Monument Multi Challenge Will give 10 GP once finished
      • Once you're able to build BlackHoles/Upgrades you can start looking at speedrunning while inside MMC challenges.
  • Black Hole Upgrades
    • Each Black Hole Upgrade gives 1 God Power, with a cap of 50 total, which can easily give 1-20+ extra GP per run.
Highest God Highest P.Baals Ultimate Beings V2 Black Hole Upgrades Challenge - MMC Rebirth Time GP Per HR
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal - 0 GP N/A N/A N/A 5 minutes GPH = 228
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 5 - 5 GP Godly Tribunal V2 - 30 GP BHU 4 - 4 GP N/A 5 minutes GPH = 696
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 5 - 5 GP Godly Tribunal V2 - 30 GP BHU 4 - 4 GP N/A 3 minutes GPH = 1160
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 15 - 30 GP Living Sun V2 - 60 GP BHU 10 - 10 GP Yes = 10 GP 5 minutes GPH = 1548
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 17 - 51 GP God Above All V2 - 100 GP BHU 14 - 14 GP Yes - 10 GP 4 minutes GPH = 2910
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 17 - 51 GP God Above All V2 - 100 GP BHU 14 - 14 GP Yes - 10 GP 3 minutes GPH = 3880
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 17 - 51 GP God Above All V2 - 100 GP BHU 14 - 14 GP Yes - 10 GP 2 minutes GPH = 5820
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 17 - 51 GP God Above All V2 - 100 GP BHU 14 - 14 GP Yes - 10 GP 1 minutes GPH = 11,640
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 25 - 75 GP ITRTG V2 - 150 GP BHU 25 - 25 GP Yes = 10 GP 5 minutes GPH = 3348
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 40 - 120 GP ITRTG V2 - 150 GP BHU 35 - 35 GP Yes = 10 GP 5 minutes GPH = 4008
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 25 - 75 GP ITRTG V2 - 150 GP BHU 20 - 20 GP Yes = 10 GP 4 minutes GPH = 4110
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 25 - 75 GP ITRTG V2 - 150 GP BHU 20 - 20 GP Yes = 10 GP 3 minutes GPH = 5480
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 25 - 75 GP ITRTG V2 - 150 GP BHU 20 - 20 GP Yes = 10 GP 2 minutes GPH = 8220
For visual references only! Not Achievable
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 25 - 75 GP ITRTG V2 - 150 GP BHU 20 - 20 GP Yes = 10 GP 1 minutes GPH = 16,440
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 26 - 78 GP ITRTG V2 - 150 GP BHU 17- 17 GP Yes = 10 GP 45 Sec GPH = 21,920
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 35 - 105 GP ITRTG V2 - 150 GP BHU 25- 25 GP Yes = 10 GP 30 Sec GPH = 37,080
Baal - 19 GP P.Baal 45 - 135 GP ITRTG V2 - 150 GP BHU 34- 34 GP Yes = 10 GP 30 Sec GPH = 41,760 or 1 million GP a day

God Power Bank

Holding onto God Power while Speedrunning is crucial!

  • Larger Bank = Higher Gods you're able to clear.
  • Will save build time on Mystic Gardens and Upgrades
  • With large enough GP bank you can add Creation bonus to GP stats.
God Power Bank Stats

Most Speedrunners when setting GP Stat Multipliers run

  • 1 Point in Physical
  • 98 Points in Mystic
  • 1 Point in Battle
  • 0 points in Creating

The reason behind this is so you can have full health when doing Ultimate Beings V2 fights.
End Gamers with Expensive Monument Challenge done, run 1/65/1/33 or 1/25/1/73 due to how fast Mystic Gardens can be built, plus the large GP bank (Over 1 million God Power)

Ultimate Beings V2