One CC Challenge

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Your CC and currently held GP are reset, and your max clone count is set to 10 million (+2 million per challenge completed). You must reach your max clone count. This challenge is capped at 25.

This challenge is frequently called "1CCC" or even "OCC" by players, but the game's abbreviation is OCCC.

Unlock Condition

Have more than 10 Million max Clones.


The typical Multi Reset restrictions apply. In addition, your CC and GP are reset, and your max clone count is set to 10+(2*OCCC's finished) million. Buying additional CC is disallowed, as are Ultimate Shadow Summons.

You will not earn GP from gods if your previous rebirth was under 30 minutes. Pets cannot earn GP whatsoever. GP from God Crystals and Black Holes is doubled.


Challenge Points: 15
God Power Reward: 300+60*OCCC's finished
Statistics Multi: 3 million

Increases your creation count for creating shadow clones by 1% per challenge finished, doubled (total 50%) after completing all 25 challenges.

Completions to Max


Recommended Stats

Decent pet growth (5M+) to climb gods, 200k%+ Building Speed from GP+CP, and a strong God Crystal RTI module and a refreshed Day God Power Challenge (if going for a more idle strategy). Your max clones, CC, and any banked GP do not matter as they get reset for the challenge.

PBCs (+25 from UCC) and UBCs help with getting more GP from P. Baals.



The basic goal here is to accumulate as much God Power as possible and then spend it all on the 3GP 99,999 instant clone purchase. There are a couple of different ways to get the GP you need.

The first way is to climb P.Baals as quickly as possible, rebirthing semi-frequently to get GP from killing gods repeatedly. Since rebirths must be longer than 30 minutes to get GP in the following rebirth, 30 minutes should be the minimum time you spend in a single rebirth. Continue to climb P.Baals (which is where the PBC reward comes in handy) until you have enough GP to buy all your clones using the 3GP instant clone purchase. (The amount of GP you get for completing the challenge should be the same amount you'd need to buy all the clones on a fresh rebirth.) Rebirths can be extended to 1.5-hour runs to unlock Might if you need more power or can't be quite as active playing the game.

The second way is to start out with short rebirths (30min - might runs) at first and then do a longer rebirth after killing Baal to build Black Holes and a God Crystal. Along with Ultimate Beings and a solid DGPC, this is a viable strategy for the second half of the challenge series where they become more mentally taxing to do so many short rebirths.

A small amount of GP can and should be spent on divinity or a couple of instant clone purchases to build Black Holes (and upgrades) to propel you to higher gods. Just make sure the amount you're spending can be made up for by the amount you would be getting from the higher gods climbed.

Special Case

Most of these starting challenges can be done instantly or be greatly shortened by using Growing Purchase, so if you are a player that buys it regardless, it is advised to do it in this challenge to additionally save some time. You get back all GP spent on clones as a reward in this challenge, so you would not be losing any of the GP from the Growing Purchase.

Killing UBV2

If you're feeling risky, you can attempt to fight UBv2s. Just make sure you Save before doing so and Load that save file if things are bad and you lose too many clones. A good loop for the least amount of clones lost is "uursififirufififirutiwieivv"

  • Feed (u)
  • Feed (u)
  • God Speed (r)
  • Reflection Barrier (s)
  • Feed Evil (i)
  • Focused Breathing (f)
  • Feed Evil (i)
  • Focused Breathing (f)
  • Feed Evil (i)
  • God Speed (r)
  • Feed (u)
  • Focused Breathing (f)
  • Feed Evil (i)
  • Focused Breathing (f)
  • Feed Evil (i)
  • Focused Breathing (f)
  • Feed Evil (i)
  • God Speed (r)
  • Feed (u)
  • Elemental Manipulation (t)
  • Feed Evil (i)
  • Mystic Mode (w)
  • Feed Evil (i)
  • Transformation Aura (e)
  • Feed Evil (i)
  • Ionioi (v)
  • Ionioi (v)

Required GP per Challenge

Challenge # Clones Needed GP Needed
1 10,000,000 300
2 12,000,000 360
3 14,000,000 420
4 16,000,000 480
5 18,000,000 540
6 20,000,000 600
7 22,000,000 660
8 24,000,000 720
9 26,000,000 780
10 28,000,000 840
11 30,000,000 900
12 32,000,000 960
13 34,000,000 1,020
14 36,000,000 1,080
15 38,000,000 1,140
16 40,000,000 1,200
17 42,000,000 1,260
18 44,000,000 1,320
19 46,000,000 1,380
20 48,000,000 1,440
21 50,000,000 1,500
22 52,000,000 1,560
23 54,000,000 1,620
24 56,000,000 1,680
25 58,000,000 1,740