No Div Monument Challenge

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This is like a normal rebirth. You can't buy anything with divinity, meaning divinity is useless in this challenge.

The goal is to have a specific monument with a given level and upgrade level while only using creations you manually make in a single rebirth. The amount and type goes up with challenge completed. For the 1st one you need to build a Mighty Statue to 100/10, the 2nd one to 250/25, 3rd one to 500/50. This pattern repeats for the next 6 monuments culminating in 500/50 Temple of God for the 21st challenge.

Unlock condition

A creation count (CC) of 100 or higher.


You can't buy anything with divinity, meaning divinity is useless in this challenge.

You can Overcap creating on all Creations.


Challenge Points: 20
Statistics Multi: 2,500,000

The divinity cost of creations is reduced by (1% x challenges finished) for the first 20 challenges, multiplying with the bonus of NDC. With all NDCs, NDMCs, and UCCs completed, the reduction is 34.4% (82% cost from NDCs and UCCs multiplied by 80% cost from NDMCs).

The 21st challenge will reduce the time needed for building monuments by 10%.

There is a secret reward for overachievers who do the challenge a 22nd time (where a 1/1 Black Hole is required)

Completing NDMC 22 unlocks a new Avatar cosmetic piece. It is a sign that says "I can create anything" along with a new God Title.

Completions to Max


Recommended Stats

CS and CC, the more the better. It is generally considered that the first 9 challenges are not too bad but after this is a drastic difficulty spike (Oceans take a lot more material to create than Villages). Later challenges and/or lower CC and CS are likely to take more than an hour so will benefit from having the DNDC reward (equipping a creation crystal lowers prerequisite costs for creations by up to 15%).


Only build the creations you need for the monuments you need but it's largely a waiting game. Use Godly Liquids V1 and V2 to help speed up the creation process for the more difficult creations, such as Oceans and Weather. This challenge uncaps the black bar speed so no bonus is wasted.

Compared to making 1 monument and 1 upgrade, creating the number required for these challenges requires the following amount:

100/10 = Monument: 24,751 times as many materials. Upgrade: 286 times as many

250/25 = Monument: 155,626 times as many materials. Upgrade: 4,901 times as many

500/50 = Monument: 623,751 times as many materials. Upgrade: 40,426 times as many