Day Universe Challenge

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You have 24 hours to obtain as many Universes as possible. At the end, the held amount will be used to calculate how many Bonus Levels you get on TBS after every Rebirth.

You rebirth once going into this challenge, so your stat multipliers are not lost.

Unlock Condition

Complete a UUC in less than 1 day.


Lucky Draws cannot be opened during challenge. Divinity purchases with GP and Ad points are disabled.


After every rebirth you'll get log2(universes created) to all TBS levels. Only the highest DUC score completed counts toward this reward.

For example, if you have 1024 universes (2^10) you will get 10 base levels to all TBS. if you have all GP purchases, this means your TBS levels will never drop below 50.

With all GP purchases and the ChP upgrade, there is a soft cap of 2^15 universes for 100% critical chance, and there is a hard cap of 2^33.75 for 1000% critical damage.

Challenge Points: Log2(universes) * 8. Maxed at 333 ChP. This requires ~3.39e12 universes on hand at the end of DUC.

Recommended Stats

The minimum reward from this day challenge is negligible, therefore it is recommended that you have all GP TBS upgrades, as well as the ability to make at least 2^10 (1024) universes to get a decent reward. 2-3 million clones, several Build Speed consumables (chakra pills), and at least 10k BS. Don’t forget to use consumables! 3-5k CS is also recommended so you can make a fair number of universes in 2-3 hours.

For a higher score, having a high DNDC score for a strong CC is recommended, along with good RTI pets/levels for BS and CS. Like all day challenges, redoing DUC every 6-12 months as you get stronger is a good idea for growing rewards.


Maximize your div gen with increased build speed (Crystals, Chakra Pills, RTI, Spacedim). Killing UBs and sending pets on Divinity campaigns are going to be a strong source of Divinity. If you find yourself in a place where your Div income is exceeding your usage, be sure to change your auto-buy settings on the Create page to auto-buy the next highest creation. Don't be afraid to spend your ad points on the 300% creation speed boost to make Universes faster.

For RTI pets, be sure to focus on BS, CS, and Spacedim. Putting a Divinity pet in can be useful, but only if you have the RTI slots available for a fourth pet. Clone allocation changes depending on the person, but try having a good mix of clones on both DivGen and RTI for the duration of the challenge.

It is not generally necessary to turn off offline progress for this challenge or pause overnight, although if you play on desktop you should leave your computer on overnight to make more creations.