Monument Multi Challenge

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Achieve a Monument Multiplier of 60 billion / (41 - n): 1.5 billion for the 1st, 1.538 billion for the 2nd, and so on, with 60 billion required for the 40th. Monument Multiplier equals 1 + (the sum of your multiplier to each stat from monuments)/2.

What monuments count toward this multiplier is dependent on how many MMCs have been completed. First challenge is easier than UUC but gets progressively harder. The final five will be as hard as a BHC.

Unlock Condition

1000% Build Speed and 200k clones




Challenge Points: 4
God Power Reward: 10
Statistics Multi: 500,000

The lowest Monument that counts for the challenge will receive 5% more stats per challenge finished, up to 25%.

That is:

  • Completions 1-5:Mighty Statue
  • Completions 6-10:Mystic Garden
  • Completions 11-15:Tomb of Gods
  • Completions 16-20:Everlasting Lighthouse
  • Completions 21-25:Godly Statue
  • Completions 26-30:Pyramids of Power
  • Completions 31-35:Temple of Gods
  • Completions 36-40:Black Hole

Completing all 40 will increase rewards to 50% for each monument.

Completions to Max


Recommended Stats

To begin your first MMC, having around 2mil Clones, 50 CC, 4000% BS (from God Power), and high growth pets will allow you to complete the challenges in about 2-3 hours. Having Black Hole Challenge done before MMCs 35-40 will make them much easier. While doing the challenge, invest the God Power you earn into more Clones, Creation Count, and Building Speed in order to keep up with the increasing monument multiplier requirement and keep the time it takes to complete the challenge time within 2-3 hours.


For the first 5, all monuments will contribute toward the multiplier but after the 5th, Mighty Statues will no longer count toward the multiplier. After the 10th, Mystic Gardens will no longer count toward the multiplier. After the 15th, Tomb of Gods will no longer count toward the multiplier. After the 20th, Everlasting Lighthouses will no longer count toward the multiplier. After the 25th, Godly Statues will no longer count toward the multiplier. After the 30th, Pyramids of Power will no longer count toward the multiplier. After the 35th, Temple of Gods will no longer count toward the multiplier.

The bonus from completing this challenge itself applies to your Monument Multiplier, meaning that for the early monuments, the first in the set will take the most time to complete.

For last 5 challenges you have to build: 2/2 black hole for 36 and 37 challenge, 2/3 for 38 and 39, 4/3 for 40. So, you may do bunch of BHC before this.

How fast you can complete the challenge will largely depend on how much divinity you can produce. Aside from being able to one-cap Monster Queen, a high level divgen with at least capped Worker Clones, Divinity campaigns, and Ultimate Beings will be your primary source of divinity. The goal is to have enough divinity to continually produce the creation for the upgrade of the monument you plan to focus on.

Since Divinity campaigns rely on your div/s and pet stats, spend about 30 minutes leveling up your pets and focusing all your clones on divgen upgrades (1 level for Capacity should suffice, the rest spread among Gain and Speed). You'll also want to build your upgrades to the highest level possible before the Divinity campaign finishes so that you will get the maximum reward from it. You can plan this out by setting a number in the upgrade's Next At and then hovering over the upgrade's progress bar and checking the tooltip to see the estimated time for when the upgrade amount will be reached. Once you've reached the highest upgrades you could obtain, you can put your clones to build the monument(s) while you produce the creations for the upgrades and then switch them over to building the upgrades to see how far ahead you are. You can also use the Compiled Spreadsheet to plan out the exact amount you will need.

The monument(s) you want to focus on are up to you. If you're unsure of which to pick, Temple of God is a solid choice. While being more expensive, it's multipliers dwarf that of other monuments and its upgrade amount is within range of what can be produced with your Creation Count, whereas a monument like Might Statue's upgrade amounts can balloon into the hundreds of thousands, forcing you to rely on Auto Buy, which provides no discount when compared to manually producing the creation. In contrast, Temple of God's upgrade amounts should be obtainable simply by creating Weathers, therefore, you'll be able to get discounts for bulk creation of Weathers.


Completions after 40 do not lock any monuments, but the required multiplier is 600 billion.

  • This is part of a set of challenges that will improve Wolf item campaign bonus by +10% each (125% total bonus after completing them all).
    • You Need to finish 41 MMC