Strategy Room

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Strategy Room

The Strategy Room is a Pet Village building that can change how the non-dungeon stats of your pets are distributed, and also give boosts to your dungeon stats.

To gain access to the Strategy Room, you must place the building icon in the Pet Village screen. At this point, you can begin upgrading the Strategy Room to increase the amount of stats pets gain from fighting clones.

Once the Strategy Room reaches level 4, you can assign pets here to increase every pet's dungeon stats. There are 8 total slots that can be unlocked, one for each of the main dungeon and element stats. The amount increased is based on:

  • the slotted pet's respective stat, and
  • the 4th lowest total growth out of all pets you have unlocked, and
  • the number of strategy books you have.

The combined growth/books multiplier is:

where Growth is your fourth lowest total growth, and Books is the number of strategy books you have on hand.

For the 4 main dungeon stats, a stat bonus is added to every pet who is in a team:

For the 4 elemental stats, the element level multiplier (for every pet in a team) is:

where Element is the slotted pet's element level.


  • If your fourth lowest total growth pet is 80k, and you have 20k strategy books, your multiplier is 0.1668, which is shown as 16.68%.
  • If you have zero strategy books and your 4th lowest pet has 100,000 growth, and you set a pet who has 10,000 Attack to the Attack slot, all dungeon pets would receive an additional 1,632 to their Attack stat. This is further modified by class bonuses (where Mages get a 150% Attack boost, Defenders only get 40%, etc.).
  • If your fourth lowest growth pet is 173808, you have 109561 strategy books, and your slotted water pet has 2382 water, you will receive a 1.3369 multiplier to the water element of all your pets in teams. This is shown as 33.7% on the Strategy Room water pet.

Pets with a special boost to stats, like Leviathan or Balrog, get a slightly reduced boost.

Pet Assignment

Each class can only be used once in the Strategy Room. To maximize the Strategy Room bonuses, the pet's specialist bonus doesn't matter; in fact, wildcards are fine (which is quite different from the RTI Tab). The correct class, a high dungeon level and the best possible gear are what matter most. The best classes to use for each slot are as follows:

  • HP: Defender
  • Attack: Mage (1.5 multiplier) or Assassin (1.3)
  • Defense: Blacksmith (Defender is needed for HP, and HP is more important)
  • Speed: Rogue (1.6) or Assassin (1.4)

For the elemental stats, use the strongest pet of that element that has a class you can use. These boosts are typically not as useful or universal as the normal dungeon stat bonuses, but are still good to have to boost the damage output or survivability for a struggling team.

Any pet assigned to a slot in the Strategy Room will gain dungeon level experience at a rate of sqrt(growth, capped at 1 million) * Class Level * sqrt(Strategy Room level)/3600 every 5 seconds.

If any dungeon teams are active, you may remove pets from the Strategy Room, but you cannot add any.

Also, any changes made to pets in the Strategy Room (increased growth on the fourth lowest growth pet, or swapping equipment, for example) may not be reflected immediately in the bonuses received. Clicking one of the pets, then clicking Back, will sometimes update the bonuses. Saving and Loading the game may also help.

Optimal pets

  • HP: Defender Strategist (30% extra HP) or Balrog (farming Horns)
  • Attack: Mage Sniper (30% extra Atk)
  • Defense: Blacksmith Hamster (30% extra Def) or Fool (with sufficient craziness)
  • Speed: Rogue Hourglass (30% extra Spd) or Succubus (high potential growth)

Stat Distribution

With the ability to adjust the ratio of your pets' stats, you can use this to increase leveling speed or adjust to make fighting the next God possible. For faster leveling from fighting clones, a higher spread on the Battle stat is best. For fighting Gods, putting the ratio higher on Mystic will help increase your defense and HP regen against the God. (This assumes you've unlocked the RTI Tab and therefore get most of your attack from Creating, rather than Physical. Since the Creating stat multiplier is based on the average of the other three stats, this number will always remain the same no matter how the other three stats are distributed. If you don't have the RTI tab yet, you may want a balance of Physical and Mystic instead.)

A good all around ratio when you want a more hands-off approach would be close to 50/110/140 or 50/125/125 (Phys/Myst/Batt) to allow for a higher than base Mystic and Battle. Again, this assumes Physical is useless to you, due to the RTI tab. These numbers are for Strategy Room level 1. As the SR level increases, you can further increase the stats gained from growth. At max level, the ratio 50/84/276 is one of the best for fastest leveling speed. Don't forget to switch from a Battle focus to a Mystic focus before fighting Gods.

Strategy Room Upgrades

As you upgrade the Strategy Room, each level increases the amount you can boost pet normal stats by 10%. Starting at level 4, a slot is added each level where you can allocate pets to boost the dungeon/element stats.

Each upgrade level requires Strategy Books, an item crafted by Alchemists using T1 Earth and Wind Materials. They can also be purchased using Pet Stones.

Level Unlock Hot Stone/Feather Health Potion Strategy Book Sacred Stone
1 4500 300 300 900
2 18000 1200 1200 3600
3 40500 2700 2700 8100
4 Health 72000 4800 4800 14400
5 Attack 112500 7500 7500 22500
6 Defense 162000 10800 10800 32400
7 Speed 220500 14700 14700 44100
8 Water 288000 19200 19200 57600
9 Fire 364500 24300 24300 72900
10 Wind 450000 30000 30000 90000
11 Earth 544500 36300 36300 108900
Total 2277000 151800 151800 455400