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Young Basilisk.png

Young Basilisk evo.png

A basilisk found in an egg in an ancient ruins. It's quite young and seems to have room to grow. The basilisk seems to be searching for something or someone. The only clue you have is a note in the room saying 'Destroy and Create.'

Name Name Evolved Name Total Growth
Young Basilisk Young Basilisk Ancient Basilisk 45000
Campaign Bonus Special Ability
Unlock Criteria Evolution Requirements
Secret Total Growth 0
Material 0 Special Wood
Other Uses an AoE attack that reduces Elements of all enemies if Basilisk is a Mage

Basilisk acts as if it has a 1.5% specialist bonus for RTI(∞) Tab when evolved as a Mage. Once evolved at the end of its questline, Ancient Basilisk cannot be class changed from Mage.

Special Ability

Basilisk is unable to attack normally. Instead, Basilisk uses Poison explosion, an AoE damage-over-time ability, as its first attack in each room. Poison explosion does (150% + 1.5% * Class Level) damage to all enemies and reduces their elements by 10% on the turn it's used, and does (50% + 0.5% * Class Level) damage and reduces 0.8% element (stacking multiplicatively with T4 knives) at the start of each turn thereafter. This damage continues every turn even if Basilisk dies, as long as the attack was used once at the start of the battle.

(The stats above are for Ancient Basilisk. Young Basilisk's Poison explosion is weaker.)

The damage-over-time does not work against reflect enemies, but it will always deal 6 damage to the Cosmic Gnome enemy in the Depth 4 Forest dungeon.

Apart from those exceptions, both the initial damage and the damage-over-time are scaled against what a regular attack by Basilisk would do (benefiting from Basilisk's Attack, and reduced by enemy Defense).

The elemental reduction is multiplicative with the reduction from tier 4 knives. Meaning that at turn 50 it will be a reduction of close to 75% of enemy element if they are reduced to 50% by knives and 49.2% due to the pet.

In most situations, Basilisk will not be able to solo-clear a dungeon room. It is more effective against large groups of enemies, but will often need a second damage-focused pet to help clear out tougher fights. For this reason, Basilisk is a good secondary DPS to include on a team. And due to its effectiveness against Cosmic Gnomes, it makes a good addition to your lategame Forest team.



Basilisk requires a somewhat lengthy process to unlock and evolve. Here on the wiki, we will regularly update with a new hint/step every week on Fridays until completed.

1st Step

Create Anything, but it will always be Destroyed by a Black Hole.

Once you have unlocked both Nothing (Other) and Black Hole Chan, you will receive the first scroll, the Scroll of Beginnings, after killing P.Baal v1, Nonomo.
There was a bug allowing you to unlock the scroll without meeting the requirements. This has been patched out, but you may have obtained the scroll without meeting the reqs.

2nd Step

"Reach the infinite end to receive the answer you seek."

After completing Step 1 and receiving the Scroll of Beginnings, you must climb your way up past P.Baal v146 and stare down P.Baal v147. This can ONLY be done if you have a 50% power reduction to P.Baals through completing UBC and/or completing a combination of UBC and UAC to total a 50% power reduction.
Defeating P.Baal v146 can take a very long time depending on your stats. Basilisk's steps to unlock and evolve only get harder from here, so if this is a challenge for you it might be wise to put Basilisk on the backburner until you are stronger. You will receive the Scroll of the Basilisk.

3rd Step

"The creature is one capable of destruction of unparalleled proportion. Should the need for it to be awakened, note my following instructions."

Scroll of the Basilisk. For this step, you need to bring specific amounts of 3 different T4 materials to the Newbie Grounds boss. You will need 80 Mythril, 126 Jungle Stones, and 106 Sun Stones. Include these in your dungeon team's inventory, and send them off to the Newbie Grounds boss room. There is no special boss here, but you will lose all the required amount of T4 mats. Completing this step will unlock Basilisk and give you the Scroll of Trials - Infinite.

4th Step

"Challenge yourself to reach infinity" Scroll of Trials - Infinite. You must finish a Road to Infinity challenge. This may be one which was already in progress, or one which you start specifically for this step. Reminder that you can click "Finish" after 48 hours have passed, so you do not need to do the whole 7 days of the challenge.

You do not need to get a certain score. Just start an RTI challenge and click Finish after 2 days when the button becomes available. You will receive the Scroll of Trials - Help once completed.

5th Step

"Some people will give Anything to get assistance" Scroll of Trials - Help. You need to send the pet Anything on the quests "Magic Talk" and "Heal a Lot" and complete the quests. (Note the names in the quests descriptions match the names hinted at in the scroll...) Be sure to class change Anything to meet the necessary requirements, or bring along another pet to meet them. Doing both of these quests will unlock the next step. You will receive the Scroll Key upon completion.

6th Step

"If you manage to find me... I will assist you..."
Scroll Key - Finally, here you are. Compose a team of your strongest pets and take the final leap to evolve Basilisk. In that team, you MUST include Black Hole Chan, Anything, and Young Basilisk. Be sure to bring along the scroll obtained from Step 5 (the Scroll Key) in your team's inventory.

Also recommended: Phoenix Feathers, Elixirs, Freezing Bombs and Torches (or Demonic Runes). Forgetting Torches is just embarrassing, so don't do that.

When sending this team to the Forest Depth 4 boss room (room 60, or earlier if D4 Boss Room upgrades have been purchased), you will encounter a new boss, the Creator. You will also fight against the normal Depth 4 boss, the Corrupt Fairy Queen, but with the new boss fighting alongside her in place of Shub Niggurath.

The Creator can target multiple pets with each attack so be sure all your pets have strong defenses. After it drops to half health, it will summon stronger versions of the Forest Depth 3 bosses. These two D3 bosses have their normal gimmicks but now with higher stats. All four bosses encountered in this fight are Earth-element.

As one final last resort, the Creator will deal a massive AoE attack when it drops to 10% HP. It will hit ALL pets for 49,999 damage. (This bypasses Defense, but it can be avoided if you kill him in one hit from above 10% HP.) The Creator will no longer attack after launching this attack, so if you survive this, you should be in the clear (as long as you can kill the Creator and mop up the enhanced D3 bosses before Turn 50).

Finishing this fight will automatically evolve Basilisk into a Mage, and adds 60,000 base growth to Basilisk.

Strategies for this fight will be added as more information is learned. Please feel free to reach out to either Trey or Skyshatter on Discord with any team examples.

Stats (Creator) Value
HP 2,500,000
Attack 55,000
Defense 15,000
Speed 12,000
Stats (Agonized Forest Soul V2) Value
HP 800,000
Attack 12,000
Defense 9,600
Speed 7,600
Stats (Rotting World Tree V2) Value
HP 1,040,000
Attack 10,500
Defense 17,000
Speed 3,000

Basi team.jpg

2 defenders can also help you if you're having issues :
