Ultimate Arty Challenge

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Like a UBC, but you lose even more and can only press the rebirth button 4 times.

Note: This challenge is entirely optional. Rewards received from UAC can be obtained through other means. Turtle can be unlocked/evolved via Pet Tokens, and the P.Baal reduction can be received from the much easier UBC.

Unlock Condition

Complete two UBCs.

Previously this only required a single UBC to unlock so it is possible to have completed one or more UACs and still have it show as locked.


On top of everything you lose in a UBC, you also lose your training cap reduction, planet, and access to TBS. Pets will be unable to find God Power in campaigns, dungeons and tavern quests, bonus from Museum are disabled. You still keep bonuses from ChP purchases.

You will get 4 rebirths to get to Baal (5 if you include the rebirth to initiate the challenge, rebirth number is in parenthesis on the rebirth button).

Challenge rewards that are disabled: GPC, UUC, MMC, TMC, UBV2C (Autokill only), NDMC, DRC, TGSC, NTC, MQC (Divinity bonus only), NDC (Div Gen size and creation cost bonuses only), CBC, DBC, DUC, DMC, and DNDC (creation count bonus only). All Hard Mode Challenge rewards are disabled.

Challenge rewards that still work: AAC, BHC, UPC, CPC, PUC, PMC, 1KBHC, UBV2C (Multiplier increase only), OC rewards, MAC might-speed reward, GSC, MQC (Demon Lord and regen bonus only), NDC (Div Gen worker bonus only), 1KC, OCCC, NRC, PBC, NRDC, UBC, PGC, UCC, DPC, and DNDC (creation cost bonus only).

Note that some of these rewards aren't relevant for a UAC.


Challenge Points: 50
God Power Reward: 200
Statistics Multi: 20.0 million

UACs grant a 2% P. Baal growth reduction additive with UBC reward to a max of 50%. Refer to the Ultimate Baal Challenge reward section for details on how growth reduction works.
Completing UAC for the first time unlocks the Turtle pet.
Completing UAC for the second time allows Turtle to evolve, along with a reward of 300,000 pet stones.
The 3rd and future completions earn you a Class Change Token.

All of your GP stats will return after completing this challenge, and like the UBC, any GP spent during the challenge is refunded.

Finally, you get a neat, cosmetic "arty was here" sign.

Completions to Max


Recommended Stats

While there is marginal benefit from a few other aspects of the game in a UAC, it is good to have a basic knowledge of most of the game mechanics, as well as being fairly well read on various strategies.

Having certain challenge sets finished will make this long challenge slightly quicker. AAC, 1KC, and NRC are the most beneficial, but some others like UBV2C, PBC, PMC, and DNDC might have a slight benefit in later rebirths if at all.

For more lategame UACs, the reward for PUC will have a large impact on the completion time by granting effectively unlimited unleash time.

Having a decent stock of Chakra Pills and Godly Liquid (v1 and v2) is very useful, since you will be heavily limited in god stats.


The benefits from NRC, 1KC and AAC help with this challenge. This challenge is probably best saved as one of the last challenges you should do, because it takes several weeks even in endgame and can take several months early on. The rewards for a UAC are also not proportionate to the effort. As an early challenge it will unlock training caps that would have to be unlocked anyways, while as a later challenge, you will have completed more of the associated challenges such as NRC, 1KC and AAC’s.

One of the best pieces of advice floating around is to use your first three GP to buy 1k clones as this effectively doubles the speed of your first rebirth. All other GP should be spent on Build Speed. The most important rebirth is the first one and it is highly recommended looking at a guide before and during your first rebirth, as the rest of the rebirths are simply a matter of standard but slow play.

TL;DR first rebirth: focus on training skills first as those unlock the auto training for all of your physical and skills trainings. Don't rebirth until you have the clone soft cap. Don't forget to use pills/liquids!

There are a lot of strategy guides on Kong and steam forums, but mostly it's just a matter of waiting. The most important this is knowing which gods to get to before rebirthing. Without hitting these targets, you will have very little chance of completing the challenge. Here is a very short table outlining approximate numbers to aim for.

Rebirth Target God Div Gen Might Training Unleash Approximate rb multis
1 Gefion NA 6-10 each 20s 1.7E7 / 17 Million
2 Nepthys NA 30 each 51s 2E15 / 2 Quadrillion
3 Laima 1/3/3 20 each 35s 1.2e25 / 12 Septillion
4 Jupiter 1/4/4 20 each 45s 6E32 / 600 Nonillion
5 Baal 1/5/4 25 each 45s NA

Several guides/tips are available on forums on Steam and Kongregate. Several tips and first-hand accounts are available here https://steamcommunity.com/app/466170/discussions/0/3880365909903021846/ For any other tips, please feel free to ask in our Discord community. Several players have written up benchmark guides and other tricks that can help this challenge go by in a little under 10 days.

Note: Because pets are essentially useless in UAC, since they are unable to gather GP or even divinity, pets will best spend their time in growth/item camps and in dungeons. To make the most of your time in UAC, having a solid team of growth campaign and item campaign pets will be very beneficial. With each rebirth usually spanning multiple days, one could argue that pushing off UAC until you have several Depth 3 dungeon teams is best so you can get the most out of your time spent in this challenge.

Odin's UAC Guide (Copied from Discord): Step-by-Step guide to completing UAC in only 2 weeks


To complete UAC in two weeks you will need the following:

  • All AAC done
  • All 1KC done
  • Have Holy Book unlocked (immunity to critical helps a lot, doesn’t need to be evolved)
  • 4 Ultimate Shadows Summon available
  • 100 or so Godly Liquid V1
  • 5 Godly Liquid V2
  • 20 or so Chakra Pill V1
  • 3 Chakra Pill V2
  • Optional but highly recommended: Crystal upgrade from pet stones (+25%) and from challenge points (+5%), and 6 crystal slots
  • Optional: FSM pet (even if you only train it for a few seconds at the start of the rebirth, you can also send it on level campaign if you don’t need it elsewhere), not crucial but does helps with divinity generation in rebirths 3-5.

That should be all you need. NRC and PMC help on the last rebirth but they’re not really important.

Reaching <2 weeks requires a somewhat active play style, although not too onerous (e.g. no manual fights to reduce training caps). If you’re not very active you can still follow this guide and it will likely still be more optimal than other guides, but it will likely take a few extra days. Just focus on reaching the suggested training achievements, gods, and monuments + upgrades.

Events are a great time to do UAC since most Pet camps are locked (Growth/Item/food are the only useful camps to run). This gives you more free pets for the Event camp, and the UAC can be finished before the event ends since both are 2 weeks.

I finished my first UAC in 15 days 6h, and with some improvements finished my second in 12 days 12h. This guide includes the improvements used to reach 12.5 days.

Rebirth 1

Duration: 4 days
Target god: Gefion
Training levels (Physical/skills): 50k+ on last 5, 5k+ on the rest
Might levels: 8 levels on Focused Breathing, 6 on Defensive Aura, 4 on Offensive Aura, 3 on Elemental Manipulation, 2 on Mystic mode, 2 on Transformation Aura, and 4 on all others (the non-unleash ones). Gives a total might of ~60 (15% bonus)
Monuments: None
Divinity Generator: Not unlocked
Rebirth Multiplier: ~30Million (30e6) on Physical/Mystic (I forgot to note it down but I’m pretty sure it was around that, just focus on beating Gefion and getting the specified training achievements).

Guide: The first rebirth is all about reaching the clone soft caps and training/creating achievements. You also want to build up some Total Might to help later rebirths.

Start by using Godly Liquid V2 and Godly Liquid V1, you want these running constantly for this entire rebirth. Refresh V1 as needed. Then put your clones on training to unlock might as quickly as possible. Ignore monster fights for now.

I kept the “Sync” on training so clones in Physical and Skills were always matched. I also kept 1 clone on each training as I went (moving all other clones to the last unlocked training to unlock might as fast as possible), as the first few training caps naturally got maxed these training were able to reach the higher training tiers (the first few reaching >5M). The “Sync” and the “leave 1 clone behind on every training” also applied to all other rebirths in the UAC run, although I did sometimes remove training clones after the training had reached 5M (last achievement) since the achievement multiplier is all that really matters here.

Defeat gods as you go, and switch to building their creation until you reach the last achievement tier. You want to get all creation achievements from defeated gods in this run, and creating them earlier in the run increases your creation speed multiplier so you can create clones a bit faster. Once you defeat Gaia (3rd god) buy 1k clones to speed up training.

Once you unlock Might move your clones there and ignore training for now (except for leaving 1 clone at each training). Train the might to the levels I specified for the rebirth, you want to start building up your Total Might to help later rebirths so these are optimized for Total Might based on leveling duration. While you do this your auto-training will reduce the training caps making training more efficient when you come back to it.

Once you’re done with Might move your clones to the last training (“Train on Dimension X” and “Time Manipulation”), you want to move backwards through the list until you get 50k on the last five (moving backwards is more efficiency since the auto cap reduction has a bigger impact on earlier training). Use the Cap button to not waste clones, and if you have leftover clones use them on the training above it. As each training reaches 50k remove all clones and move them up, you won’t reach 250k on any of these with just 2k clones so training them above 50k is a waste of time.

If you can, try to put some clones on monster battle at this point, you want to use battles to kill clones to help reach the soft cap, but also want to use as few clones there as possible so you don’t delay training too much. This means some active management to add clones back as they die, if you don’t have the time then reaching the soft cap could take a few hours more but otherwise it doesn’t matter. Battle stats and its achievements are completely irrelevant for the first 3 rebirths so don’t bother.

Rebirth 2

Duration: 3 days
Target god: Nephthys
Training levels (Physical/skills): 1M+ on all (5M+ on the first few that are capped at 1 clone)
Might levels: 100 levels on Focused Breathing, 66 on Defensive Aura, 50 on Offensive Aura, 33 on Elemental Manipulation, 25 on Mystic mode, 20 on Transformation Aura, and 50 on all others (the non-unleash ones). Gives a total might of ~750 (188% bonus)
Monuments: 12 Mighty Statues, 1 Mystic Garden
Divinity Generator: Not unlocked
Rebirth Multiplier: ~2quadrillion (2e15) on Physical/Mystic (again I forgot to note it down but I’m pretty sure it was around that, just focus on beating Nephtys and getting the specified training achievements).

Guide: The second rebirth is about reaching getting 1M training achievements and beating Nephthys. You also want to again build up some Total Might to help later rebirths. Get the creation achievements up to tree (from Hathor), and optionally the first 1-2 from fish and the first from animal, but don’t bother with creating the rest.

Start by using an Ultimate Shadow Summon to get all your clones, along with a Godly Liquid V2. Godly liquid V1 is somewhat optional; it’s good to use some but you don’t need it for the entire run. I had them for about half the run only (spending ~25 or so). Put your clones on training to unlock might as quickly as possible, just like in the first rebirth (only this time is much faster). As a reminder I left the “Sync” on training and 1 clone behind on every training for this and all future rebirths. You can ignore monster fights for this rebirth; the battle stat still won’t matter until rebirth 5 so there’s no point in even getting the achievements.

Once you unlock Might move your clones there (leaving 1 at each training). Train the might to the levels I specified for the rebirth, again your goal is start building up your Total Might to help later rebirths so these are optimized for Total Might based on leveling duration. Once you’re done with Might move your clones to the last training and move the clones up the training list until you get 1M on all trainings (again use the Cap button to not waste clones, and move leftover clones to the training above it). A training with enough clones to cap it will gain 120k levels/hour, so when away or overnight you can distribute your clones to avoid exceeding 1M by too much before you come back. Any training above 1M will only extend the UAC duration.

Once you get creation achievements up to tree (and optionally the first 1-2 for fish and first for animal) shift to creating stones. You are going to need 662k stones to build 12 Mighty Statues. Make sure you also have the 250 water and 100 plant for the Mystic Garden. After you have the 1M achievements use your clones to build those monuments, there are so few monuments that it’s not even worth using chakra pills so save those for future rebirths. Move your clones back to might if you run out of stones. You should be at ~3days at this point, and your last remaining goal is beating Nephthys. Level Physical Attack+ and build mystic statues as needed, and once Nephthys is down you can rebirth.

Rebirth 3

Duration: 3 days
Target god: Laima
Training levels (Physical/skills): 1M+ on all (5M+ on the first few that are capped at 1 clone)
Might levels: 50 levels on Focused Breathing, 33 on Defensive Aura, 25 on Offensive Aura, 17 on Elemental Manipulation, 13 on Mystic mode, 10 on Transformation Aura, and 25 on all others (the non-unleash ones). gives a total might of ~1100 (275% bonus).
Monuments: 219/40 Mighty Statues, 24/40 Mystic Garden, 32/13 Godly Statues
Divinity Generator: 0/2/3
Rebirth Multiplier: ~20 Septillion (20e24) on Physical/Mystic (again I forgot to note it down but I’m pretty sure it was around that, just focus on beating Laima and making a similar number of Godly Statues with upgrades).

Guide: The third rebirth is when you start getting multipliers from monuments; you still want the 1M training achievements and need to beat Laima. You also want to again build up some Total Might to help later rebirths. You can buy prerequisite creations so go ahead and get all creation achievements. Once you get 10GP buy +35% Build Speed (for the rest of the UAC always use GP for +35% build speed).

Start by using an Ultimate Shadow Summon to get all your clones, along with a Godly Liquid V2 and a Chakra Pill V2. You don’t need Godly liquid V1 anymore, and should only use Chakra Pill V1 while building. Put your clones on training to unlock might as quickly as possible, just like in the previous rebirth. You can ignore monster fights for this rebirth; the battle stat still won’t matter until rebirth 5 so there’s no point in even getting the achievements.

Once you unlock Might move your clones to building monuments (don’t forget Chakra Pill V1). You want to build Mighty Statues and Mystic Garden until you beat Cybele, and then build the divinity generator to 0/2/3. You can also switch to building before unlocking might if you want, you will be sacrificing some training caps for some extra divinity and in the long term both approaches will give pretty similar results. Once your divinity generator is finished keep it running and move your clones to Might (or training if you haven’t unlocked might yet), if you have a few minutes of Chakra Pill V1 left feel free to use it up building some monuments instead of wasting it, but we’ll save most of our building for later.

Train the might to the levels suggested. Once you’re done with Might move your clones to building (don’t forget Chakra Pill V1), build Mighty Statues and Mystic Garden around the specified levels (it’s fine if it’s a bit less) and finish off your last few minutes of Chakra Pill V1 on Godly statues. After that move your clones to the last training moving up the least to get them all to 1M.

You should have no problem beating Laima before finishing the training (well before the 3 day mark). Create Nations and once your clones are finished with training build some monuments. Try reaching at least 20 Septillion (20e24) rebirth multiplier. The Godly statue is much more efficient for rebirth multipliers, so don’t waste time on Mighty Statues and Mystic Garden beyond beating Laima. In general later monuments are always better for rebirth multiplier as long as you can afford the divinity for a semi-decent upgrade level, and this is especially true when the number of upgrades for earlier monuments exceeds the rebirth multiplier cap (20 without PBC), so even though earlier monuments can sometimes give better multipliers to the current stats this is all lost on rebirth and not worth the time.

Once you reach 20-30 septillion and used up your current divinity on upgrades to Godly statue feel free to rebirth.

Rebirth 4

Duration: 3 days
Target god: Jupiter
Training levels (Physical/skills): 1M+ on all (5M+ on the first few that are capped at 1 clone)
Might levels: 50 levels on Focused Breathing, 33 on Defensive Aura, 25 on Offensive Aura, 17 on Elemental Manipulation, 13 on Mystic mode, 10 on Transformation Aura, and 25 on all others (the non-unleash ones). Gives a total might of ~1525 (376% bonus).
Monuments: 21/11 Temple of God
Divinity Generator: 0/3/4
Rebirth Multiplier: ~4 Decillion (4e33) on Physical/Mystic.

Guide: The fourth rebirth is pretty similar to the third one, except your monument building should focus exclusively on Temple of God; you still want the 1M training achievements and need to beat Jupiter. You want to build up some more Total Might to help with the last rebirths, but not too much as training and monuments matter more. Get all creation achievements up to and including Weather, and you want to create a planet after beating Jupiter to speed up unlocking Ultimate Beings in rebirth 5 (you need an earthlike planet to unlock UB so that won’t happen yet). Keep spending any 10GP you have on +35 Build Speed.

Start by using an Ultimate Shadow Summon to get all your clones, along with a Godly Liquid V2 and a Chakra Pill V2. You still don’t need Godly liquid V1, and should only use Chakra Pill V1 while building. Put your clones on training to unlock might as quickly as possible, just like in the previous rebirth. Only use the number of clones needed to cap the last unlocked training (+1 left to previous training), with the rest of your clones you want to build the divinity generator to 0/3/4 as soon as you can (don’t forget Chakra Pill V1).

Also place clones on monster fights that are capped at 1 (or very close to one) and add more as you get stronger and 1-cap more monsters; the battle stat still won’t matter but achievements will make them matter on rebirth 5 (although Physical will likely still dominate).

Once might is unlocked move all clones (other than the 1 clone left on each) to finish the divinity generator, then build some Temple of God until Chakra Pill V1 runs out. Afterward move your clones to Might and train to the suggested, and then to training to get them all to 1M. Once that’s done spend the rest of your rebirth building Temple of God and its upgrades.

Your previous rebirth multiplier will determine when you beat Jupiter. I did it just under 3 days but if your multipliers were lower it might take a few extra hours. You should be able to reach 2-6 decillion by the time you beat Jupiter, if not build a few more Temple of God to get within that range. Don’t forget to also build 1 planet and use it to unlock the Planet tab to prepare for Ultimate Beings in rebirth 5. With all of that done it’s time for your last rebirth.

Rebirth 5

Duration: 1.5 days
Target god: Tyrant Overlord Baal
Training levels (Physical/skills): 1M+ on only the last one
Might levels: 0 levels on Focused Breathing, 5 on Defensive Aura, 10 on Offensive Aura, 15 on Elemental Manipulation, 20 on Mystic mode, 25 on Transformation Aura, and 50 on Physical attack+ and Clones on Planet+; 0 on all other non-unleash ones (they don’t matter for this rebirth). Gives a total might of ~1700 (425% bonus)
Monuments: 12/17 Temple of God
Divinity Generator: 0/3/4
Rebirth Multiplier: Doesn’t matter any more.

Guide: The fifth and final rebirth, what matters most here are ultimate beings, crystals, and monuments. You want the last training to 1M to give you a good base Physical/Mystic, and can train some of the other later ones to 250k+, but beyond that monuments become more efficient. Building Total Might isn’t important any more, focus on the Mights that matter: Physical attack+ and Clones on Planet+, and enough unleash to get 30s for all. Get all creation achievements up to and including Weather (because why not), create an Earthike planet to unlock Planet Eater V1 and start building crystals, and once you have enough divinity also build a sun to unlock Godly tribunal V1. Also use some divinity to build 24 Planets so we can defeat Planet Eater V2. Keep spending any 10GP you have on +35 Build Speed.

First part is exactly like Rebirth 4: As usual start by using an Ultimate Shadow Summon to get all your clones, along with a Godly Liquid V2 and a Chakra Pill V2. You still don’t need Godly liquid V1, and should only use Chakra Pill V1 while building. Put your clones on training to unlock might as quickly as possible, just like in the previous rebirth. Only use the number of clones needed to cap the last unlocked training (+1 left to previous training), with the rest of your clones you want to build the divinity generator to 0/3/4 as soon as you can (don’t forget Chakra Pill V1). Also place clones on monster fights that are capped at 1 (or very close to one) and add more as you get stronger and 1-cap more monsters; the battle stat finally has an impact on your attack this rebirth.

Once might is unlocked level Clones on Planet+ to 50, this will help save some clones when fighting Ultimate Beings. The rest on might can wait and are less important than the divinity generator, but if some levels in unleash help beat Odin you can train that to speed things up before moving back to the divinity generator. Create an Earthlike planet and unlock Planet Eater V1, and beat it whenever it spawns. Once you beat Amaterasu and have enough divinity to create a Sun do that and unlock Godly Tribunal V1, if you fight it directly with 100k clones you will lose the first fight and will beat it on the second with most of your 100k clones destroyed again, but with a good Creation crystal (and even better a good Creation crystal + good Ultimate Crystal) it will only take a few minutes to replenish the clones (I had a Level 16 Creation and Level 8 Ultimate which gave me a creation count of 25 and required ~3min to restore the clones).

Start building crystals as soon as you can, your first priority is Creation so you can restore you clones faster (you can also use more Ultimate Shadow Summon if you have them but you don’t need to, I did not use more than the 1 at the start of the rebirth). My next crystal was Mystic, to save clones defending the planet, although the defender clone bonus doesn’t apply when you directly fight the Ultimate Beings. After that I did Battle (for divinity), Physical (for Building), Ultimate (for everything) and God (for GP). If you have less than 6 crystal slots this rebirth will take longer but probably less than a day extra. I still recommend building all 6 and switching up as required. As for crystal level you want to get to the point where an additional crystal level takes more than 2-3 additional crystal, after that you get diminishing return and it’s not really worth it. If you have the improved crystal upgrade from pet stone (+25%) and from challenge points (+5%) then I recommend level 16 for Creation/Mystic/Battle/Physical (should require 18 level 1 crystals for a level 1 module), level 8 for Ultimate (should require 10 level 1 crystals for a level 1 module), and level 5 for God (should require 7 level 1 crystals for a level 1 module). After that take back your clones and focus them on building/training/might.

Once the divinity generator is done, focus on might and then training (only the last one or last few), this should give you time to get Physical + Ultimate Crystals to maximize build speed. For the rest of the rebirth clones will be building Temple of God. Now that you have a high(er) Creation Count, try to manually create weather and some of the other creations to save on divinity and build up your creation stat. I bought everything up to town (and sometimes town and Ocean too) and manually created the rest.

After about 1 day you should have enough creation stat and divinity to beat Planet Eater V2; doing so is well worth it. If your highest god killed is PBaalv60 or higher, a Physical Attack+ of 50 should let you win in two fights, for this you will need 24 planets and then convert 16 to poison planet (8 planets + 16 poison planets). If your highest god killed is lower you might need a 3rd fight, meaning 12 planets + 24 poison planets. Save before the fight, and use the 4+8 attack loop: U R T U F I F I R U W I E I V I R U T I W I E I V V V (also available HERE for full list of attacks and not just hotkeys). At 100k clone there is a chance Planet Eater V2 will knock you out right at the start; if so, reload your save. If you make it past the start the pattern will keep Planet Eater V2 from attacking until so you’re safe. Get the 10GP and x2 to your stat multiplier from beating it, and you are that much closer to beating Baal.

With your crystals at a good level, UBV1 regularly beaten, Planet Eater V2 beaten, Might at the suggested level, and last training at 1M+, all that is left is to build more monuments until you finally defeat Tyrant Overlord Baal. Congratulations! You completed one of the most frustrating challenges, possibly in less than 2 weeks, and you did it without needing to buy GP or use any sort of cheat.

When I did my second UAC there was an anti-cheat that prevented reward if completed in less than 14-days. After showing the developer that it could indeed be done in 12.5 days I had to wait for them to implement an update reducing the minimum time (now it's 9 days). While I was waiting and bored I did the Godly Tribunal V2 fight. Godly Tribunal V2 takes an extra half of a day (2 days total in the rebirth) to accumulate enough creation stat to challenge it; since you can beat Tyrant Overlord Baal earlier than that you should have no reason to do this.

Defeating baal in uac under 12.5 days