1000 Clone Challenge

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You liked DRCs? Getting pretty and easy and fast at this point, right? Now do them with only 1000 clones.

Unlock Condition

Complete 2 DRC.


Like a DRC, with the added restriction of having only 1000 clones until you defeat Baal.


Challenge Points: 10
God Power Reward: 20
Statistics Multi: 1.5 million

You will receive +5% speed when training Might skills, up to a maximum of +200% (3x speed), after 40 1KC's have been completed.

Completions to Max


Recommended Stats

Having DRC’s completed as well as 100k+ of base might is highly recommended so that you are not held back by relying on monuments. Many players just do 95 minute Might runs to progress through this challenge.


10,000% or more build speed is highly recommended (better: 50,000%), as well as a large banked pool of GP (5% of your total GP or more) and all of your training one caps. Pets help a lot, as well as completed GSCs. The more DRCs and CBCs the better, because it's practically impossible to train might with only 1k clones. It is better to start it after you have maxed DRCs first. If you are doing these early on, focus on mighty statues and mystic gardens.

Here are some older notes by the True Chicken God (cluck cluck!) hopefully those can help some players, they are just a guideline, and some rebirth times may be longer than they are in those notes, unfortunately I do not remember how strong my banked GP were, but i know for a fact that my pets were really weak back then, so it is probably doable a bit faster.

  1. rebirth - hathor 15mins
  2. rebirth - izanagi 15mins with 20 MS | 10 MG - 16.5 billion (1.65 E+10) phys/mys multi
  3. rebirth - artemis 15mins with 30 MS | 20 MG 1 of everything else except TOG - 66 trillion (6.6 E+13) phys/mys multi
  4. rebirth - poseidon 30mins(slightly longer) with 60/25 MS | 10/25 MG 1 of everything + divgen - 1.56 sextillion (1.56 E+21) phys/myst multi
  5. rebirth - zeus 30mins (slightly longer) with 60/25 MS | 10/25 MG 1 of everything else + divgen - 108 septillion (1.08 E+26)phys/myst multi
  6. rebirth - luna 30mins (slightly longer) with 60/25 MS | 10/25 MG 1 of everything else + divgen - then push pets 120k% to kill jupiter and rebirth ~40mins 2.8 non phys/myst multi
  7. rebirth - divgen + all pet multipliers 100k+% then 1h growth and leveling camp, 168/45 MS | 28/45 MG unleash win

One major difficulty of the low clone count is training your pets with clones. If you have the Auto Half Stats upgrade though, you can adjust the clones stats. Changing the clones stats from 1/556/550 to 36/556/550 resulted in small batches of clones assigned lasting much longer. This helps restore the utility of pet multipliers in spite of the challenge restrictions.

Logs From Players

~2h 15min 1kc's

Bank(5-6k) on 50/50 mystic/creation, 1gp for Div after DivGen unlock (1e15 Div), creation on Animals/Humans with running DivGen to farm Creation
100k BS, 401 CC, 2min to get 1e6% on Pet bonus
8min to Pontus (Only Pet training)
10min to Nephthys (12+ MG, 2 Lighthouses)
12min to Eros (all Monuments build once, but no DivGen)
15min Lamia (DivGen build, 1/5 EL, 12/10 MG, 2/2 GS)
30min to Luna(DivGen, 2/4 ToG)
30min to Amaterasu
30min to Baal