Lucky Coin

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Lucky Coin.png

Lucky Coin evo.png

A coin in a box. It just looks like a coin but it can jump, move and attack! It also has hidden teeth in the box... It is supposed to bring good fortune. Has a chance to do 7, 77, or 777 extra damage after an attack in dungeons.

Name Name Evolved Name Total Growth
Lucky Coin Lucky Coin 23,331
Campaign Bonus Special Ability
It has +7% in item campaigns, +77% in godpower campaigns, +777% in food campaigns. Increases the damage you do with single target attacks in dungeons by an extra 1.28% * class level if your class is an assassin. Increases the drop chance for loot in dungeons by (total damage done ^0.3 / 10). Additive to rogue bonus, capped at 100%.
Unlock Criteria Evolution Requirements
Defeat P.Baal v77 or use a Pet Token Total Growth 77777
Material 3889 Special Wood
Other Do a total damage of 77,777,777 in dungeons (You cannot use a Pet Token to skip this evo condition.)

Special Ability

The extra damage bonus chances are shown below:

7 = 30%
77 = 50%
777 = 10%
7777 = 10% (if evo'd, otherwise 777)

The drop rate increase ability is based off total damage done, so adding Lucky Coin to your Challenge Dungeons team will provide it with an extra source of damage outside normal dungeons.

Token Improve

You can use a Pet Token to give Lucky Coin a class bonus for the Rogue class of 1.28% per CL. It will also further improve its Assassin bonus to 2% per CL.

Combined with Coin's drop rate bonus that already comes with evolving it, class changing Coin to Rogue makes it a very powerful pet for farming materials.



Lucky Coin, along with Hourglass, are the two pets capable of making progress towards their dungeon-related evolution in Challenge Dungeons. Placing Lucky Coin in your challenge dungeon team will speed up meeting the total damage requirement substantially.

When choosing a class to evolve, a common practice for Lucky Coin is to evolve it as a Rogue, as with the token improve Lucky Coin is the single most powerful rogue in the game.

Lategame Dungeons

Lucky Coin's primary home in D4 dungeons will be as the sole Rogue of D4 Forest, as its large innate bonus, combined with its powerful specialist bonus when token enhanced, provides enough Wood to provide for all of your crafters.

Lucky Coin also has a role in Balrog Horn farming teams, being one of the 6 Rogues used to earn Balrog Horns exceptionally quickly.