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This is the 10th instance of the Patreon Gods Challenge (PGC). Unlike most of the PGC instances, this one is complex enough to deserve its own separate page.

To beat this challenge, you must defeat PBaal v10 (Calcnerdm A.I.).

Unlock Condition

Defeat PGC 9.


This is a reset GP challenge. You will begin with 0 rebirth multipliers and 1000 clones, and all of your God Power purchases will be removed. You will not receive stat multipliers from pets or RTI.

You will begin with 2500 God Power, which you may spend freely.

You will not earn God Power from campaigns, pet dungeons, or Ultimate Beings (v1). You will instead earn an exponentially increasing amount of GP by defeating UBv2s, which are weaker than normal in this challenge.

God Power also drops normally from defeating gods (but only before the 1 hour mark of each rebirth), or feeding the God Power pet.

After the 1 hour mark of each rebirth, there is a random chance per tick that you will be forcibly rebirthed.

Rebirths in this challenge are special -- they will not reduce your rebirth multipliers if they happen to be red, and pet hunger levels, campaigns and dungeons will not be reset, nor will rebirth bacon be spent.

You cannot spend Baal Power on anything useful. No mighty food for you.

Note that if you kill v10 after 1h, you don't win, you rebirth instead.


Same as any other PGC. You do not get to keep the God Power that you earn during this challenge.

Completions to Max


Recommended Stats

Improved Next At For Challenges (INAFC) is highly recommended.


This is an extremely active challenge. You will need to spend a great deal of time managing each rebirth (every 60 to 75 minutes or so). You will not be able to idle your way to victory. Going offline does not severely hinder your progress, since the auto-rebirth does not lower your Rebirth multis or reset camps/dungeons.

Your ultimate goal is to get your rebirth multipliers high enough to defeat PBaal v10. Your secondary goal in support of this is to accumulate God Power by defeating UBv2s over and over. The amount of GP you get from them grows exponentially over the course of the challenge, up to a theoretical cap of 10k GP per UBv2. You will not need to go that high, though.

The amount of GP each UBv2 drops is their normal amount multiplied by 1.1^(total UBv2 defeated in challenge). The first few kills will not seem that great, as they drop close to their base amount, but keep killing the first 2 UBv2 each rebirth and you will see the GP income soar.

The challenge can be approached in three stages:

  1. Climb gods while building up rebirth multis until you can defeat the weakened Planet Eater v2.
  2. Defeat PEv2 (and later, Godly Tribunal v2, though this is optional) each rebirth to accumulate GP, ignoring your multis.
  3. Once enough God Power has been acquired, build multis again and beat PBaal v10.

Creating speed is quite important in this challenge. You'll need to build lots of planets and earthlike planets in a short time, as well as the "poison" versions of them, in order to beat the v2s.

The suggested combat loop for the v2s in this challenge is a 1+2 loop (requiring 2 poison creations):

    • Feed
    • Evil
    • Mystic Mode
    • Transformation Aura
    • God Speed
    • Evil
    • Elemental Manipulation
    • Ionioi
    • Ionioi

You'll need to do this 2 or 3 times for PEv2, and 3 or 4 times for GTv2. This means 4 to 6 poison planets, and 6 to 8 poison earthlike planets, per rebirth (though you won't be able to beat GTv2 at first).

The final climb to PBaal v10 can be done with the Temple of God monument; you won't need to build Black Holes. Remember: when you first start stage 3, rebuilding your multis, the first run may feel frustrating, because you just came from a rebirth with a lower final god. It will take another run to get your green rebirth ratios back up to normal. You may be stronger than you realize.

Also remember that you're swimming in God Power throughout this challenge; don't be afraid to spend it liberally. Anything that will speed up your rebirth to enable you to defeat a(nother) UBv2 is helpful. Spending 3 GP on 99,999 insta-clones is one example -- especially to rebuild your clones in between GTv2 fights. Also, you should expect to spend GP lavishly on divinity.

Here's an example of a stage 3 rebirth, step by step. This is only provided as one possible way to play it -- you may have a different style. (Earlier stage rebirths are simpler!)

  1. Put clones on Skills & Monsters.
  2. Flick gods.
  3. Forcibly create trees, humans, mountains and forests (turn off create clones if not max, and turn on autobuy missing, temporarily), and then put the toggles back to normal.
  4. Buy 300k clones with GP.
  5. Build the divgen, and assign half your clones to gain and half to speed. Keep assigning clones there and feeding it until it hits 2/2.
  6. Put 20k clones on Mystic Gardens and 2k clones on their upgrades.
  7. Spend 3 GP on divinity. Forcibly build 8 planets, and then build a bunch of sky/night/moon to boost creating score.
  8. Build 4 poison planets. This drains creating score. If you run out, build more moons or planets or something. Spend more GP on divinity if needed.
  9. Put 200k clones on surge and fight PEv2. Repeat until it's dead.
  10. Buy more clones, CC, CS and/or BS with your shiny new GP. (In stage 3, it's mostly build speed you'll want.)
  11. Keep building the div gen with clones until it reaches 6/6 or so.
  12. Buy more divinity, and make enough earthlike planets (and lesser creations) to make 8 poison earthlike planets.
  13. Put 300k to 400k clones on surge and fight GTv2. If it's not dead, spend 9 GP to buy 300k more clones, and fight again.
  14. With GTv2 dead, spend more GP on build speed or whatever.
  15. Remove all clones from the div gen and put them on monuments -- a small number on Statues, Tombs and Lighthouses, a medium number on Gardens, and the majority on Temples.
  16. Meanwhile, create Weathers with autobuy, to support the Temple upgrades, as well as to boost Creating, which is your primary combat stat.
  17. Kill gods and let rb multis increase, until the auto-rebirth hits.

Are you ready to do that continuously for the next 2 to 3 days? Then this challenge is for you.