In-Depth Midgame UBC

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This guide is built upon the following resources:

  • clones, BS, CS, CP , OFP - irrelevant
  • Challenges complete: GPC, UUC, MMC, BHC, UPC, PLC, CPC, UBv2C, DRC, GSC, NDC, 1KC, PBC, CBC, NRDC
  • Affecting pets: NM (base), FSM (base), GP (adv), camel (adv), meteor (base, 56% bonus), cupid (adv), book (base), hedgehog (adv), HG (base). More is better here, as always for pet related resources.
  • All pets have magic stick +10, S+ rarity, ranging from 20%-29%
  • 5 teams unlocked with access to mountain D3, Clam in possession,
  • Tavern is level 3 (rank D quests).
  • Rebirth bacons always. Two chakra V1 pills per run are suggested, though more always helps.
  • INAFC and TBS upgrades in GP resets.

If clarification is required, please refer to the Glossary.


The dreaded UBCs are not that bad. If you have all of the resources listed above, or even more challenges done, or access to better pets and the tavern, then you’ll probably have an easier time. With the resources above, I am able to consistently clear a UBC run in a more lazy fashion, with 2 hour rebirths, always less than 16 hour clears. If you want to run them at a quicker pace or at your own pace, advice will be listed below on how to setup your camps, dungeons, and tavern to do so. Below that will be the actual guide if you wish to do 2 hour rotations on your rebirths.

If you have a level 4 or higher Tavern that you can use for GP gains, you can drop Scrapyard/Water Temple D1 if you have a good quest loadout. This will actually allow you to have more consistent GP gains than relying on dungeon RNG. However, keep in mind the time restrictions for a quick and smooth run, which are detailed in either section you choose to adhere to. It is possible to use tavern level 3 for this, but not recommended.

While using this Guide for the first time, we advise that you follow this guide step-by-step/rebirth-by-rebirth, instead of attempting to take in the whole guide at once.

General Guide Advice

  • For GP expenditures: You want 12000+ clones before you start suiciding clones until you reach the softcap. As a result, your first buy is 10,000 clones. If you can get 20,000 clones at once, do that instead and suicide them to grow them to softcap. After softcap is achieved, all spare GP should be sent to BS. Keep 6-11 GP free at the end of every rebirth to quickly summon your clones and purchase GP for monuments as needed. If you have adpoints, you can sub them in for GP on divinity purchases.
  • Only suicide clones at the end of a rebirth.
  • If you intend to use crystals, physical and mystic are the only relevant ones, everything else is useless. If you have both PMC and NRC done, then you can also get an ultimate crystal as well. It may help you gain another god.
  • The first thing to note about UBC is that the first two rebirths are EXTREMELY static. There isn’t much you can do, if anything, to get through Pontus in the first rebirth or Izanagi in the second. Furthermore, there is nothing to do with GP until the end of the second rebirth. As such, set your depth 1 GP dungeons, scrapyard and water temple, to go through the first two rebirths. After that, set them for the time of a single rebirth.
  • As for volcano(D2) and mountain(D3) I suggest setting them for longer. Your volcano and mountain timers should be set for when you want to end your rebirths for the first time you send them out. Volcano should come back at the end of your second rebirth, and mountain should return at the end of your third. These points are critically important for getting UBC done faster.
  • For the Tavern, send it out on quests to return the largest amount of GP you can following those two notes as well. You want as much GP as possible at the end of your second rebirth and third rebirth. The Third rebirth gain is more important than the second rebirth gain.
  • As for why you want these times, it’s very simple. You want as many clones as you can get in rebirth 3, when you are going to make your first monuments. In rebirth 3, you will be able to build through pyramid within 2 hours, which allows you to kill through Eros within 2 hours as well if you use a chakra pill, and is advised to do so when you approach might. At might unlock on the third rebirth is when Cybele is defeatable, unlocking the ability to make a GS and pyramid. If you want Eros down, you will likely need both. You will likely need to buy some divinity for this.
  • As for the end of rebirth 3 being the most important: you should be able to nearly reach the clone cap and, possibly, get some build speed as well before going after monument upgrades in the next rebirth. It is advisable to use a chakra pill here as well, stacking the time, so you can get the divgen built faster. Naturally, you’ll likely need to buy divinity as well to make this happen.
  • Rebirth 5 will determine how much longer your UBC will last. If you can take Jupiter down here, which may not be possible, then you will only have two more rebirths. If you cannot, then expect this UBC to end in three more.
  • Whenever buying Divinity with GP, the amount of GP you gain is calculated by your current divinity generation at the time of purchasing while within that Rebirth. As such it's vitally important to make sure your divinity generator is running, and clones are battling monsters, when you select purchase.
  • That’s it, keep your RB times in mind and your UBC will be done before you know it.
  • For time estimates, if you have PMC, NRC, NTC, MQC done as well as the above challenges, theoretically you can clear a UBC in 10-11 hours doing might runs with maximum effort (consumables always when building). Without UCC support, you probably won’t get below 10 hours.

Full Guide

For this full guide, you will be running your camps on a 2 hour rotation. Your rebirths will take, on average, 2 hours and 2 minutes. Your GP camp does not need to be filled with your best campers, but it does need Nightmare and FSM. It is advisable to fill it up as much as you can, though.

For Scrapyard and Water Temple, as D1 is the only depth that gives GP, it doesn’t need both of them to be completely full. Just enough pets to run it for up to 4 hours is enough and you can have the rest of your dungeon pets elsewhere, like tavern for example.

For volcano, I had clam there and ran it on 4 hour rotations at D2.

For Mountain, 6 hour rotations is fine.

You will need 2 chakra pills per run, either V1 or V2 doesn’t matter. But you will need two of them. Having more available for when you run into the worst luck, which may happen, is always a plus.

As for food, you will need preferably mighty food each run. In total you will need (total dungeon pets * 5 + total pets * 3) + 350 food (if running forest food runs each day.)

1st and 2nd Rebirths

To start off, send all of your camps out for 2 hours. Your first SY and WT run should be 4 hours, the rest of the time they should be run at 2 hours. Send your dungeons out and send your tavern team out. I suggest prioritizing as much GP as possible to come in during rebirth 3, which is between 4 and 6 hour mark.

During your first two rebirths, there isn’t much you can do other than suiciding your clones into monsters whenever you can. If you keep active on it the entire time you can get around 2100 clones on the softcap by the time you end rebirth 2 which doesn’t really make a difference.

Unleash your might around the 1 hour 55 minute mark to clear your gods for the first two rebirths. Your first rebirth you will stop short of being able to take down Pontus and your second will be stopped by Izanagi. You can extend another hour to kill Izanagi if you wish.

At the end of the second rebirth, buy 10,000 clones if you have less than 53 gp. If you have more than 53 gp, then buy 20,000 clones. Keep 3 GP in the bank and spend any excess you can on summoning and suiciding them into UBv1’s. When you are spent, rebirth and instant summon your clones.

3rd Rebirth

At the start of RB 3, after summoning all your clones, send them to start farming monsters while you get started on creating 1 of every creation you can. The reason to summon all your clones immediately even though they can’t really do anything until you kill Nephyts is because you wont be able to create them all in time anyway, so you might as well have your creation timer running to create the creations you need to get access to GS asap. This should be doable around the 50 minute mark.

Speaking of, once Nephyts is defeated, use a chakra pill immediately and start making those monuments. Once you get to gs, take them back to spam out some MS and MG. You will need to buy some div for this, 1 GP should be plenty or use some adpoints.

At might unlock, you should be able to defeat Cybele. If you have been making extra MS/MG, you can actually defeat Cybele around the 1 hour 20 minute mark. This will unlock GS, at which point you should immediately go to making that mountain. Once the mountain is done, make yourself a GS and a pyramid, you will likely need to buy divinity again, so do so if needed. There is no time to waste as these two monuments will take a while to make even with a chakra pill.. Save it and try to unleash to defeat Eros. If you can’t, try making another GS and try again. You should be able to defeat Eros before 2 hours are up and all your camps and dungeons come in.

Once the camps and dungeons are in, and Eros is defeated, throw most of your GP (save at least 3 gp) at growing your clone cap through suicide into UBv1s. If you get over 100k clones, you will need 6 gp at the start of the next rebirth. If you are able to hit the softcap on your clone count and still have GP leftover, get some BS. Remember to save 6 GP in this case.

Rebirth when finished and after you’ve sent out all your dungeons and tavern again for the fourth RB.

4th Rebirth

Hopefully, by now you’ll have around 70k clones for RB 4 start. A bit less is fine, more is better. If you have 40k or less you are in the very unlucky run scenario and you are likely to need both chakra pills to make up the difference in this rebirth.

On rebirth, summon all of your clones again and send the majority onto monsters while you wait for Nephyts to do gown. When Neph is down, send all of your Clones as high as you can onto monsters and buy some GP then toss most of those clones back onto the monuments. Use a chakra pill (or both types if under 40k clones). You will need about 3E10 divinity to afford a divgen. You can choose to break up the purchases of divinity between monuments to save some resources if you wish.

In any case, when Cybele is down get that divgen up and prepare for MS/MG upgrades by buying some divinity with divgen running. You are not going to be focusing on MS/MG the entire time. When Artemis is defeated, make sure to make a single forest.

Your divgen should be done around 50 minutes to an hour. When finished go spam out sone MS/MG in preparation for MS/MG upgrades. When freya is defeated, make at most 40 upgrades for both MS and MG. Once those are done or Poseidon has been defeated and might has not been unlocked, throw all of your clones onto GS. You want to get 3 or 4 GS, then the rest of your time and divinity will be spent on GS upgrades when Laima has been defeated with an unleash.

For the remainder of this RB build GS/U to increase your rebirth multi’s. At the end, as usual, spend your GP suiciding your clones into UBv1’s as much as you can until you reach the softcap. If you have reached that, then purchase BS from there. Keep enough GP leftover to instant summon your clones at the start of the next RB. However, note the next part is easier if you have NRC and PMC completed.

5th Rebirth

This next RB is the timegate. If you cannot get Jupiter here, you will finish in 3 rebirths. If you can, then you will be done in two. That means, if you have PMC and NRC and you want to attempt to get Jupiter, then you will want to have some extra GP to replenish your clones after you throw them at PEv1 to get your mystic and physical crystals up.

This does not mean that you’ll be able to take Jupiter with those and an ultimate crystal when the UBv2’s come back later. You MAY be able to, and if you are you will cut the time down. If not, take note of it and move on.

There will be no further notes on GP spending from here.

At the start of RB 5 summon all of your clones, send them to monsters as you deal with gods and start making your creations. Buy your divinity to prep for divgen and go make your divgen. For now, you will be building either GS or ToG depending on your preference. MS/MG gives you too little RB multi’s to consider for climbing from now on. For GS, you will get roughly 30% more stats in the current RB at the cost of about 20% RB multi’s. It is also faster and cheaper to make.

I personally prefer to use the ToG in my runs. You will likely cap out at 7 ToGs and 5 upgrades for it in your penultimate rebirth, which needs about 1.5E15 divinity to afford. If you do go the ToG route, be sure to buy 32 weathers when you can to afford all 5 upgrades.

If you are attempting to break the great Jupiter wall, I would suggest using GS instead. Also, if you are on a very unlucky run, go with GS as well.

Normally, by the end of this RB, you should have Luna down. If you are very unlucky, you may be stopped at Nyx. If you are capable of taking Jupiter down, congrats you don’t have much left to do.

In all cases, do the usual RB stuff and start the next RB when ready.

6th Rebirth

For RB 6, if you took Jupiter, this is your penultimate RB. Otherwise, the RB doesn’t change much. Instant summon your clones, get to work on your divgen. If you are behind, GS/U still, otherwise ToG it is. Normally, this is the RB you start looking at crystals to get a bonuses against gods, but it could have happened in the prior RB for you.

There isn’t much to say in this RB, only one point that can be cycled back to: If you get Coatlicue, your next RB is a Baal kill. If you don’t get Coatlicue, you have another RB until you get at least Coatlicue done.

Final Rebirth

When it comes to your final RB after taking Coatlicue, focus on building MS/MG and upgrades. Set the upgrades for them to 95 and build the rest until you can defeat Baal.

If you are behind, you WILL need crystals to take down Odin and stay on track here. Keep that in mind as you spend your GP from gods.

Once you are done with your RB, repeat what has been working for you so far. If you have defeated Odin, you DO NOT need to buy divinity to build the divgen next RB. You will still need to buy divinity after it is up and running, however.

For RB 7, If you have taken down Jupiter earlier in RB 5, then build your MS/MG U and finish your run with Baal around might. If you are behind, you may need crystals to balance your stats and stay with GS/U. Otherwise, ToG/U still. Once Coatlicue is down, refer to the advice earlier for your next RB and build MS/MG U.

That is everything

If you have followed this guide your run should be around 15 hours and 30 minutes to complete, or 13 hours and 30 minutes if you managed to get Jupiter early, maybe a little less or a little more. Assuming you didn’t get Jupiter, you may have noticed the awkward amount of time at the end and how it kind of restricts what you can do for an overnight if you did all of this in one day.

WELL here is a suggestion: start an overnight UBC and repeat the guide. If you do this you can complete the next UBC in around 20 hours, giving you 4 hours to setup another challenge the following night that can be done overnight, such as Overflow Challenge or any other afk-till-done quick challenge.

Credits to Harqoua for authoring this guide. Thank you!