Day Might Challenge

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Get as many might levels as possible within 24 hrs. The might levels gained every rebirth are combined for your total score. You can get a maximum score of 443,556 might. This challenge does not reset your multipliers.

Unlock Condition





Challenge Points: SQRT(Score)/1.6 for a max of 333 (this requires 283,876 Might) Statistics Multi: 150 * Score

Levels in usable Might skills (the last 6 in the list, so Focused Breathing + and so on) will increase the magnitude of the Unleash effects based on the highest DMC score. Without this reward, levels in these skills only increase the duration of their effects.

In addition, Focused Breathing + and Defensive Aura + both gain an unleash multiplier to Max HP. (This is not documented in the game's challenge description.)

All of the unleash multipliers (except Max HP) are changed according to this formula:

New_multiplier = 1 + (base_multiplier - 1) * (1 + might_level * sqrt(DMC_score) / 50000)

The Max HP multipliers use this formula:

Max_HP_multiplier = 1 + might_level * sqrt(DMC_score) / 50000

In both cases, the DMC_score is capped at 443556 (666²).

In the tooltip example, a DMC score of 10k Might and 500 levels in each usable Might skill gives a 100% bonus (each) above and beyond the base unleash multipliers. This results in additional 16x Attack, 16x Mystic, and 4x HP multipliers during Unleash. Combined with the base Unleash values, this is an overall x480 boost to Attack and Mystic during Unleash.

Note: The same 10k Might DMC score but minimal Might training will give a much smaller bonus to each skill (~1% rather than 100%). For players that focus on Might runs, even with good stats the rewards from this challenge can be quite marginal. More experienced players will get a legitimate buff from it even on short runs; but for newer players, the main reason to run this is for the Challenge Points and preparing for the Holy ITRTG Book unlock.

Recommended Stats

Your first DMC should be done after finishing all 25 DRC. You will then want to do your second one after finishing all 1kC and CBC. After that, refresh every 6-12 months for a higher score and better unleash. For early DMCs, you will be relying on free DRC might more than the might that your clones can produce.


For your first DMC, you will mostly be relying on free might from DRC and any CBCs you have done. It is usually best to do mightruns to maximize the free DRC might.

Later on, the best strategy is to do 8 3hr rebirths.

You can either use a calculator for Next Ats (Compiled Spreadsheets has one) or hit "spread" on might with all of your clones. The most optimal numbers to have in the spread ratio would be 30 on the non-unleash, 60/40/30/20/15/12 on unleash. It is worth closing the game when away and not using offline time, even if the challenge takes 1.5 or 2 days.

Might training speed can be increased with the Recursive Memory SpaceDim element. SpaceDim element training speed can be increased with the RTI Tab's Space Dim boost (Blacksmith pet). It may be worthwhile to shift shadow clones to RTI (before Might unlocks, certainly), and light clones to Recursive Memory, as well as using your top Blacksmith in RTI.