User talk:Skyshatter

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Vector.css fixes

Hi, someone recently reported to me that they were getting a console error visiting this wiki. I reviewed and noticed that in Vector.css, you had some variables assigned to url(), and that this was causing errors and sections of the stylesheet were not being loaded. I removed this so that everything is loaded correctly, however this created some new problems as some of the variables are still using the colors from Dead Cells Wiki, and so they don't have good contrast on this lighter wiki. You should pick new colors for --wiki-content-background-color and --wiki-content-background-color--secondary, along with their associated RGB variables.

As the original author of that code, here's some suggestions:

  • --wiki-content-background-color is intended to be the background color used for the content area of the page. You're currently using body-background-color for that, which is intended to be the area behind the content. So I'd recommend swapping that usage and then copying the values of the body variables to the content variables.
  • --wiki-content-background-color--secondary I usually make the same as content-background-color, but about 10% lighter or darker. You can choose different colors as well of course, but ideally it should be something that all text and such in the content area still has good contrast with.

If you that didn't make sense or you need more help, please feel free to ask. If you reply to this, you'll probably need to ping me in Discord so that I see it, since we don't have wiki notifications (you can also just message me in Discord directly if you feel more comfortable with that).
--Mr Pie 5 (talk) 20:07, 24 June 2023 (UTC)

Update: I've applied some simple colors to these variables myself so the wiki isn't broken in the interim. Feel free to replace my color choice with your own if you like.
--Mr Pie 5 (talk) 20:24, 24 June 2023 (UTC)

Main Page & Sidebar consistency

Hello, I saw that the main page is protected and I assume the sidebar is as well, although I couldn't figure out how to even check that. The main page currently lists Divinity under the Building header, while the sidebar lists Divinity Generator but incorrectly links to Divinity. It makes more sense to me to list the generator, but either way I think the two sections ought to match and have correct links either way. Thanks! --Sancdar (talk) 08:56, 25 July 2023 (UTC)

Pixelated Math formulas

I was trying to figure out why the rendered math formulas look so terrible here compared to the prior wiki, and tracked it down to this stylesheet, specifically the "#content img:not(.no-pixel)" entry. I don't know if that's important for anything else or even generally what the purpose is, but removing it makes all the formulas look nice again on my browsers. Hopefully this is helpful! --Sancdar (talk) 23:30, 31 July 2023 (UTC)