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Example Pet

Example desciption.

This guy evolved and become super duper strong and stuff.

Name Name Evolved Name Total Growth
Example Pet Example Pet Example Evolved Pet 42069
Campaign Bonus Special Ability
Example bonus. Example ability.
Unlock Criteria Evolution Requirements
Example unlock. (ex. Defeat Hyperion) Total Growth 42069
Material 2103 Wood
Other 42069 Puny Food


This template supported the following named parameters:

  • title - The name of the pet; also used as the image filename (with .png). This field is case sensative.
  • *image - Overrides default image fetched. Must use the full name, e.g. "File:name.png" without the quotes. This field is case sensative.
  • *evo_image - Identical usage as image This field is case sensative.
  • *evo_title - The name of the pet when evolved, if different. This field is case sensative.
  • unlock - The requirements to unlock the pet
  • campaign_bonus - The bonuses and penalties the pet receives in campaigns
  • evolve_bonus - The bonuses and penalties the pet receives acquires after evolving.
  • description - In-game description of the pet
  • *evo_description - In-game description when evolved, if different
  • element - The Dungeon Element of the pet; one of Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, or Neutral. This field is case agnostic.
  • tier - 1 for pets that need basic materials to evolve, like Wood for Mouse. 2 for pets that need advanced materials to evolve. Defaults to 2
  • evo_growth - Total growth required to evolve
  • evo_mat_amount - Amount of material required to evolve - defaults to automatic calculations
  • evo_mat_type - Type of material required to evolve - defaults to following the tier setting
  • evo_special - Special requirement to evolve
  • evolve_bonus - Bonus when evolved -- typically a bonus to a particular Dungeon class

[Note 1] * means the parameter is optional.
[Note 2] Unexpected parameters will simply be ignored by this template. Nothing will break.

Example Usage

|title           = Mouse
|evo_image       = File:[custom image name].png
|unlock          = You need to beat Hyperion to get it.
|campaign_bonus  = Mouse decreases the chance to find food and better quality food by 50% in food campaigns
|evolve_bonus    = Increases the bonus to food campaigns by 100%. (-50% -> +50%)
|description     = A cute little mouse. Not to confuse with a computer mouse. But don't underestimate it! This mouse can steal cheese faster than you can even look!
|evo_description = This guy evolved and become super duper strong and stuff.
|evo_title       = Mighty Mouse
|element         = Earth
|tier            = 1
|evo_growth      = 100
|evo_mat_amount  = 5
|evo_mat_type    = Wood 
|evo_special     = 100 Puny Food
|evolve_bonus    = Increases the bonus to food campaigns by 100%. (-50% -> +50%)