Hard Mode SpaceDim Accumulation Challenge

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Level up each SpaceDim element to at least 300 * (1 + completions)^1.8. Note that as opposed to the base SAC where you need a combined total number of levels, HMSAC requires each SpaceDim element to reach a specific level.

Completions Element level needed
0 300
1 1045
2 2167
3 3638
4 5436
5 7547
6 9961
7 12667
8 15659
9 18929

Unlock Condition

Have 10k Challenge Points and turn on the Hard Mode toggle in the challenge list.

Have all 25 SAC completed.


This is like a normal rebirth.


Hard Mode Challenge Points: 1

Completions to Max


Recommended Stats

Much like the other HM challenges, come back to do this one every now and then as your stats increase.


Place your strongest Blacksmith in RTI, and spread all Light Clones evenly in SpaceDim. Spend your clone time leveling the SpaceDim element in RTI, and wait for the Light Clones to do their thing.