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Chameleon evo.png

A pet found in the dungeons at depth 2. It might follow you if you see it once in every dungeon. It only appears if you send the right pets and items, though. It can freely change its element.

Name Name Evolved Name Total Growth
Chameleon Chameleon 9000
Campaign Bonus Special Ability
None Counts as the right element for all events in dungeons.
Unlock Criteria Evolution Requirements
Defeat depth 2 boss in each dungeon while holding a tier 3 material of the same element as dungeon, and having a pet of the same element as dungeon in the party. Note: this boss will be different than a normal depth 2 boss. For more information on the fight, see below. Total Growth 22000
Material 1100 T2 Material
Other Survive all dungeons in depth 2 for 48 rooms.

The tier 2 materials may be any element.

Special Ability

Chameleon is able to freely change its element by going to its pet page. After you evolve it, Chameleon will count as the correct element for dungeon events regardless of the element you have made it.


Chameleon is a special boss you will encounter in Depth 2 in the 5 specific element dungeon if your party items include at least 1 tier 3 mat for that dungeon (magic wood for forest, magic ore for scrapyard, etc) and at least one pet of that element. It is around the difficulty of a Depth 2 Difficulty 0-1 boss. Once you defeat chameleon in a specific element it will no longer appear. Once you have defeated all 5 you will automatically recruit Chameleon as a pet. The strategy for each boss is about the same as the normal dungeon boss that appears. If you have the ability to run the dungeon at D2-2 these fights should be effortless. If you struggle with it, ask in discord #newbie-help.

Stat Value
HP 25,000
Attack 150
Defense 150
Speed 150
Elements 250/50 (except Scrapyard)

Chameleon's element values change depending on the dungeon it is fought in. For example, Volcano Chameleon has 250 Fire and 50 for all other elements. Forest Chameleon has 250 Earth and 50 for all others. Etc. The exception is with Scrapyard Chameleon, who has 120 for all elements.

Chameleon(Boss) has the following Ability:

MultiTargetLeech: Attacks 4 times per action, and heals itself for 100% of the damage dealt. Damage multi is approximately 0.25x.

Evolving Details

All of the dungeons need to be done at D2 for 48 rooms, meaning no traps/events triggered causing you to lose any rooms or you will fail this requirement. Chameleon does not need to be in the dungeon to get credit added towards the evo. These dungeons will only start counting after you have unlocked Chameleon first and you can check which dungeons you still need by attempting to evo assuming you meet the other requirements.


Due to its ability to count as any element for dungeon events, a popular wildcard evolution for Chameleon is to make it a Defender. This allows it to fulfill part of the Mountain D2 and D3 trap condition as a Defender, as well as taking one of the two required neutral pet slots for the "Portal from Beyond" Event in Mountain D3. When combined with a Supporter Alien, this allows substantial compression of required event roles while also maximizing earned GP and Growth.

As players move beyond D3 dungeons, Chameleon still remains useful in the defender role due to its ability to fill the role of any other element defender in other dungeons. This versatility enables briefly swapping defenders out to be grown by your Growth Campaign, or to fill a main defender role in Infinity Tower teams.