Base Speed Challenge

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This challenge will set your building speed and creating speed to 100%. This speed can only be increased with RTI bonuses.

The challenge will be completed when you build (1+Challenges Completed) Black Holes and Black Hole Upgrades, maxing at 25 BH/BHU required for the final challenge.

Unlock Condition

Have a cap of 250 Million Clones.


Ultimate Shadow Summons are disabled in this challenge, and items that increase your BS or CS don't have any effect.

NOTE: For the duration of this challenge, Steam Players will lose access to the 300% creation speed bonus, instead gaining the offline creation system used for mobile.


Challenge Points: 25
Statistics Multi: 15 million

Increases the Creating Speed and Building Speed you get from GP purchases by 2% per challenge, doubled at 25 completions for a total of 100%. This reward applies retroactively.

Completions to Max


Recommended Stats

The ability to build up a strong RTI Creating Speed (lots of perm levels plus a good Mage) will help.


The bulk of the time in this challenge is taken up by creating the initial Galaxy and Universe. Because of this, your clones should be spending the majority of their time on RTI Creation Speed. Due to how offline creation works, if you have all creations required for the universe (up to Suns) created and go offline, the offline calculation will calculate the change in RTI before applying the new creation speed to offline creation.

In the early iterations of the challenge, the Building Speed requirements are quite low by comparison. Building a single Black Hole + upgrade takes a tiny fraction of the time it took to create a Universe.

In the later iterations, Building Speed will start to matter, to the point where putting some clones in RTI Building Speed (and perhaps a few in Divinity as well) will help.


On release, BSCs did not have any offline creation benefit enabled for Steam Players. This was changed in patch 4.27.1464 to the current system, where during the course of the challenge Steam Players instead use the Mobile offline creation benefit.