Azure Dragon

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Azure Dragon.png

Azure Dragon evo.png

The mythical Azure Dragon, Guardian of the Eastern winds and the Monarch of Spring. It has the power to deny even the most grievous wounds from those it has sword to protect, ensuring death has no domain in its presence.

Name Name Evolved Name Total Growth
Azure Dragon Azure Dragon 9999
Campaign Bonus Special Ability
Azure Dragon has +371% level campaign, -35% multiplier campaign. Increases the heal power for dungeons by an extra 1% * class level if your class is a supporter.
Unlock Criteria Evolution Requirements
Have a total of 333+ hours of challenge overtime AFTER this pet was released. Total Growth 50000
Material 2500 Special Wood
Other Have Forest Armor, Axe, and Bracelet equipped.

Note : Challenge overtime is the time spent in challenges you have already maxed. You can find it in the statistics page, under the challenges tab. Currently only other use is for Wolf, a requirement for evolving and to get higher bonus. If doing challenge overtime, usefull to complete the challenges from Wolf too.

Special Ability

You can upgrade it with a token to add a special effect to its heal.

When Azure Dragon uses the Heal action, the healing amount is 70% of the actual heal value. The Heal action adds a Token worth 40% of actual heal value onto the pet (think Supreme Taco’s ability to add an ability to targets).

Max one Token, can be refreshed. If the pet is (1) targeted and (2) hit, the Token is used and the heal is granted AFTER the enemy deals damage to the pet and AFTER it is determined if the pet is dead or not.

A Defender jumping in and taking the full hit of the damage would make the Token proc on the Defender.

A Rogue taking the hit and the Defender reducing the damage taken only, would make it proc on the Rogue, and not the Defender (It was not targeted by an enemy). Essentially, the heal Token only works for whoever has it and is hit directly. It also wont trigger on reflected damage from Neutral Tower.

Death vanishes the token instantly, does not use it, just makes it disappear.

If the targeted pet for a heal by Azure Dragon has a Token already, the token is vanished (as if the pet died) prior to the heal, and then the heal and new token are placed.

[obviously only works when evolved as a supporter]